The Masks We Wear ~ Niall Horan Fan-Fic

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~ Chapter 1 ~

Niall’s P.O.V.

I pulled into my driveway after my long journey. The boys and I have a three month break before we have to go back on tour. My mum who didn’t know I was coming home, runs out the front door and gives me a huge hug.

“Niall! What are you doing here?”

“We have a break!”

“Why didn’t you tell me dearie? I could’ve cleaned the house, gotten your favorite dinner together…”

“Mum, it’s just me, I don’t need anything special, everything is perfect.”


“Mum, I just got home…all I really want to do is to spend time with you.” I got my bags out of the boot and walked inside. The smell of pizza travels from the kitchen where I see Ocean talking on the phone and shoving pizza in her mouth.

“Yes Nate, the game is at three…No, I have a ride and Maura is going to bring me…oh my goodness, I have to go! Niall is here!” She hangs up and gives me a huge hug.

“I missed you so much, how long are you going to be here? I would love to stay and talk but I have a football game at the school in like,” she glances at the clock, “Fifteen minutes, your mum is taking me, but she could always come right back-“

“Can I come?”

“Of course! But are you sure? It’s against our rival, so a lot of people are going to be there, it gets pretty rowdy and you might get recognize-“

“Since when did you play?”

“Since when did you always interrupt me?” I chuckled surprised that this was the same girl that I left. She went on to talk about how she had been playing since after I left because she needed something to fill her time and she chose football and that she has practiced a lot for this game. My mum came in and told her to go to her room and get changed. Ocean started to go up the stairs when I turned to my mum.

“She has a room here?”

“Greg’s old room. Greg has his own place and Ocean’s parents are away a lot so sometimes she stays here.”

“They are away that much?”

“Well Ocean’s older now, she can take care of herself, she is very mature for her age an-“

“Mom, I do not need the birds and the bees talk right now.”

“Well go on then, get into the car-“ Ocean came rumbling down the stairs.

“I CALL SHOTGUN!” She rushes out the door and runs to the car. I shake my head at her antics as I slide into the backseat. Mum gets into the driver’s seat

“Here Ocean, take your waters, I do not need you yelling at everyone again because you were thirsty.”

“One Time. Last Year.”

“Still, don’t need it happening again.”

“Anyway! Niall, everyone is going to be so happy to see you! You will get to meet everyone on the team, I made them all vote for you guys! Dana will be so excited to meet you, she is my mentor on the team, we have mentors and it helps out so much! I was so lost on the team and Dana really helped me out!”

“Geez, Ocean! Take a breath I’m going to be here for at least three months!”

“Sorry Harry, I’m just so excited! But I’m also nervous because it’s a big game!” I looked outside and watched as the houses turned into businesses and as we got closer to the school, I saw all of the people.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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