○●deh▪tree bros●○

221 17 8

☆connor's pov☆

this is gonna be during winter fight me

im writing this in the car and im kinda tired so this might suck

I grabbed my satchel {is that what it's called ohmygodimsosorry} and put on my coat. I left a note on the fridge saying that i was heading to evan's house. I opened the door and starting walking, putting my hands in my pockets and looking at the floor.

When i arrived at evan's house, i walked up to the door and did three knocks. I heard a quiet "coming!" from the inside. I backed up a bit and waited.

I was greeted by evan. Wrapped in blankets, he let me in.

"H-hey connor."


"Um, what are you doing here? You told me you had something important to tell me? You could've just texted me instead of coming all the wa-"

"No, it's ok. I wanted to tell you in person." I felt myself blush a bit. I looked over to the living room. "Wanna sit down?"

"Uh, s-sure!"

Evan shut the door and followed me to the couch. We both sat down, evan looked at the floor and i looked at him. "Do you want some hot chocolate?" evan nervously asked me as he looked up.

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"Okay! I'll go get some, you can turn on the t.v. and get yourself comfortable."

I mumbled an "ok" and grabbed the remote. Luckily, steven universe was on. I had gotten about halfway through the episode when evan walked back in with two cups of hot chocolate.

"Thanks evan."

"No problem! Um, what did you want to tell me?"

I blushed and looked away from the t.v. to the window. It was starting to snow a lot.

I took in a deep breath and looked back at evan. He was smiling and it was the cutest thing ive seen in a while. I smiled and felt a lot more confident about what i was going to say.

"Well, uh, evan, i, heh, i kind of feel...different around you? I mean, not in a bad way! You're absolutely amazing! I just, i don't know how to describe this feeling?" evan smiled and i swear his cheeks were more red than before.


"I guess, i kind of-"



"I, um, i like you too."


"I said, i, heh, i like you too." I felt a smile spread on my face and i couldn't control it. Before anyone could say anything else, i kissed evan.

I kissed evan hansen.

//an// this was really short i know but eh. it's not the best but it'll do i guess?? also, self promotion, you can follow me on instagram if you wanna see some art and irrelevant stuff. my username is spacebunniix like always. also im in orlando (woop woop) so i wont be able to write too much. thanks for all the support on phones save lives tho, i love you guys ♡♡♡

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