"But that was a lie Max; Liam made me lie to you this whole time. I was never with Liam because when he tried he found out that I was already pregnant and he couldn't do anything about it except to kill it. He threatened me to kill the baby unless I did what he wanted me to do. He also said that when you came for me he was going to kill you and that is why I accepted to be marked as his that was the only way he was going to spare your life and the baby's. I never loved him, I hated him." I said as I felt a tear roll down my face.

Being pregnant also meant being emotional the whole time.

'Yeah sure blame the pregnancy.' My wolf said.

Max wiped the tear away with his fingertip.

"I'm sorry." He said.

I shook my head.

"You don't know how I felt the last weeks, I felt as if my world had come to a brutal end, I was hopeless but I never stopped believing in you after all that had happen between us, but it was you who stopped believing in me." I said as I looked at him.

"I know Lizzy and you don't know how I feel." Max said.

"Now guess how I felt when you didn't believe me when I told you that the baby was yours, you still don't believe me and that is what hurts me the most." I said.

"I do believe you." Max said.

"Then why do you act like you didn't?" I asked him.

"Because I'm scared, I never imagine this. Lizzy I had to grow up without a mother and father, what if I'm not a good father?" Max said.

I looked at him bewildered, this whole time I thought he didn't want to be a father that he didn't want the baby but all along he was just scared.

"Max, you don't have to worry about that. I'm scared just like you I don't know what the hell I'm going to do as a mother but I know that eventually you will love the baby just like I do right now." I told him as I grabbed my stomach.

"Lizzy, I know I will love the baby. Ever since you were gone I felt like part of me was dead." Max said as he pulled out something from his pocket it was a small red box.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked him.

"This ring used to belong to my mother, my father gave it to me before he died. He made me promise that I would give this ring to the person I loved and I wanted to spend my life with. I had it during prom night; I had planned to propose to you in the morning when you woke up because I was more than sure that I loved you. I still love you Lizzy; I carried this ring with me every single day hoping to see you and to propose, hoping you would say yes. But I guess I screwed up." Max said.

I shook my head and started to cry.

"No you didn't." I said.

"I guess if I do it know I will at least get an honest answer." Max said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Elizabeth Kate Montgomery, you're my mate and the future mother of my baby. I know I love you more than my own life; I would go all over the world to look for you again. I know that what I feel with you I will never feel with any other girl even if they claim to be my second chance mate or anything like that, all I know is that the girl that I want to be with the rest of my life is in front of me so Lizzy, will you marry me?" Max asked me.

I looked at him and gave a sigh.

"Yes." I said before I felt his arms wrap around me.

"I promise you Lizzy that it was the last time someone separated us, nothing will ever hurt you or our baby." Max said before he kissed me.

After that afternoon I told my parents what had happen and even though they hated the idea of me leaving again since they had just got me back I decided to start living with Max, there was no way I was going to be in a different place when I could finally sleep in his arms.

Nick and Emma were together, just like Taylor and Savannah who I thought was beyond cool, I guess she was the coolest sister-in-law that I have ever met. Now Abby and Zac were a completely different story, even though Abby was already marked and all they were still figuring things out, Zac had his own pack here in California meanwhile Abby had her pack in Pennsylvania, a pack she was alpha of. But right now Abby was staying here meanwhile the baby was born at the time after the baby was born Max would mark me and the silver line power would be his and no one would be able to take it away, Abby was here just in case Gunter came back, things were better but right now I was more than nervous for the baby's birth. My mother had told me what to expect about it and at the end she was going to help me with the baby girl or baby boy, I knew Max was scared about it but I couldn't wait for the moment he could hold our baby in his arms, I knew his perspective would change right there, he would feel as if everything had been figure out and that he really didn't have nothing to worry about.

"Right here Max." I told Max.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yes, put your hand here. The baby just kicked right here." I told Max as I grabbed his hand and placed it in my stomach.

We were both in bed and before Max could even fall asleep I had felt the baby kick and he usually did it twice before he stopped and I wanted Max to feel it.

"Here?" Max asked.

I nodded and then felt the baby kick.

"I felt it!" Max said.

I smiled.

"He kicked right here, I felt his leg." Max said.

He was happy.

"I love you, and I love you too baby." Max said as he kissed my belly.

"At least you think it's nice, he has been kicking me all day long and sometimes it hurts." I said.

"But is it worth it?" Max asked me.

"Yes." I said before he kissed me.

Then I felt something.

"Uh-oh, not this, not now, please not now." I said.

"What?" Max asked me confused.

"I felt something and that was not a kick." I said.

"What was it?" Max asked.

Then it happened.

"Max, get the baby bag and help me get up." I told him.

"What? Why?" He asked me.

"My water just broke and I had a contraction, the baby is coming." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

Oh no, he was staring to freak out.

"Yes, you're going to be a daddy and I'm going to be a mommy, now get me to the hospital please." I told him.

"Okay." Max said as he grabbed me and took me to the car.

"I'm going to be a mommy." I said in a soft voice as I touched my stomach and Max started to drive.

My Loving Mate (The Silver Line Wolf Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now