t w e n t y - o n e

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"Did you just quote Teen Wolf?" I ask Brad.

"Uh, would you no longer like me if I said yes?"

"Of course, not. Man, I love Teen Wolf." I sigh happily and replay scenes of Dylan O'Brien in my head.

After that everyone seems to calm down and all previous topics are gone. So I never found out where we're going on our date. Though, I doubt Brad would have told me.

Hey you ok?

Yeah I'm fine, just rly tired

Well make sure you get a lot of sleep tonight

Yes mum

I look up from my phone and roll my eyes. My best friend is so lazy that she has to text me instead of talk to my face, and she's sitting right next to me.

The bell rings for the end of lunch and we all stand up. A loud groan emits from my mouth as I realise I have maths next. The others look at me and Jackie whispers something to them, probably explaining how I hate my teacher with a passion.

Tristan, who's also in my maths class, is left with the difficult task of dragging me to class. Since we get there before most people, he decided to basically throw me into the classroom. I collapse into a chair and sigh loudly and over dramatically.

"I don't need maths." I whine. "I know the basics, that's all I'll need in life. School needs to teach students how to be good students not how to solve trigonometry problems. There's so many dickheads in this school that are also dumb, why doesn't the school teach us something we can use outside of school. Like...uh how to peel an orange, or something. I just don't understand." My rant finishes and when I realise there's silence, I turn around to see Tristan with earphones in. What a prick.

I sulk in my chair until everyone fills into the room and eventually, the devil herself walks in. Her red stilettos clack against the class room and the lipstick on her mouth is slightly smudged, her hair slightly messier than it should be. I raise my eyebrow at the image and I can see everyone else is wondering what she got up to at lunch. Everyone knows what, but no one will speak up. No one but me.

"So miss, what were you doing at lunch?" I ask.

"Eating." She replies dryly.

"Eating what?" I smirk. Her eyes narrow as if daring me to say anything else. The worst she can do is send me to the principal and well, we all know how that will turn out. Hint: I walk away a free woman.

"Miss Hale, are you purposely trying to disturb my class agin?" I can sense her frustration growing and I should stop, but she's hated me for years so I love messing with her.

"Of course not, why would I want to disturb your lovely class?" I glance around the class and see that some students are trying not to laugh while others are just sitting back and enjoying the show that is starting to happen more.

She takes a deep breath and visibly tries to calm herself before picking her phone up off her desk and typing a text. She decides to start her lesson and instead of paying attention and joining the class, I put my book back in my back and sit back. Soon enough, my uncle will walk into the classroom to get me.

"Magenta." Not to long after, I stand up and follow my uncle out of the classroom, turning around and winking at Tristan as if to say 'I wanted this to happen'.

Instead of going to his office, we find a lonely bench at the side of the school where no one is.

"Magenta, you need to talk to me. What's going on?"

I sigh and look ahead of me, trying to ignore the way my hands get increasingly clammy and my eyes start to water.

"You know, the anniversary of my mum's death is in a few days. And dad's just prancing around with another woman, ignoring me and treating me like crap. And the worst part is, this woman is evil. I know it. I see the way she looks at me, as if she knows soon my dad will forget about me and will give her the world." I can't stop the tears from falling down my face and I choke on my words.

"Oh Magenta." My uncle pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me tightly, rubbing my back and trying to comfort me. He's quite possibly the only one that I'll break all my walls down for. Even though he's technically no longer my uncle, I trust him more than anyone and I always will.

We sit there for a while just hugging each other as he whispers things in my ear reminding me of my great childhood memories. Soon enough the bell for the end of the day rings and we stand up.

"Do you need a lift home?" He asks.

"It's okay, I'll ask Jackie to give me a lift." He nods and hugs me once more before walking back into the school. I turn around and walk out wanting nothing more than to be at home cuddling my sweet dog and eating a tub of ice cream.

Hi. Not edited. I'm so so happy! I've started writing on my laptop and I feel I get more inspiration or motivation to write now and I'm so happy so I updated again. Two times in one week! Makes up for all the lost time I guess :)

Thank you so much for all the reads and votes it means so much.

Recently Colours has been nominated under the category 'The Vamps' in BandFictionAwards by ATCAgainstTheCurrent and I just want to say thank you!!!

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