Chapter 2: Nurse Amnesia

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Chapter 2: Nurse Amnesia


I felt incredibly sore as I felt my senses heightened. I listened and heard nothing but the clacking of computer keys as I slowly opened my eyes and glanced around. The walls were a bright neon yellow color, almost sickeningly so, and I felt like I would have a seizure just looking at those horribly colored walls.

OMG! I bet we got abducted by aliens who are just waiting to dissect us!

Stop being an idiot. What books have you read that show an alien's home as having bright yellow walls? If this were a real abduction, we would have already been probed and back on earth, and besides, the walls of the aircraft would likely be a dark gray.

Now, stop asking stupid questions and start asking important ones like, what happened to our book bag? Do you see it Aimee? Oh no! Pride and Prejudice was in there! It was in prime condition too! Our textbooks too!

Guys... My head hurts enough without you guys squabbling like five-year-olds. And why do people call them textbooks? Can we suddenly text through books? No. No, I think not.

Hey! I'm older than five! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to annoy people so well.

I take offence to that! I have a much more mature level of intellect then a five-year-old.

Are you sure about that Grannie? You seem pretty stupid to me.

Well you being five-years-old is how you annoy people so easily with your detestable voice.

I sat up, stretching my legs under the white sheets and glancing around. I knew where I was by the sign on the door that clearly stated, 'Nurse's Office.'

"Oh good, You're finally awake." A voice sounded from beside my bed. There sat a woman with curled blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a friendly smile, "I'm the nurse. Now, I've never seen you before. Are you new, or are you the kind of girl who never gets sick and doesn't even know where the nurse's office is? Then again, I suppose you didn't walk here. This lovely young man came in carrying you like a knight in shining armor."

"He was wearing shining armor?" I ask confused. Why would a boy dressed in armor come to school just to carry me to the nurse's office? Isn't armor from the medivial times? Maybe Nurse Lady was just overexaggerating and he was really in FBI gun armor gear? But why would an FBI agent be at my new school? Maybe there was some big drug deal going on over here?

"Oh no dear." The nurse said while looking at me like I was stupid, " I meant it metaphorically." I blushed and fidgeted with my fingers, feeling embarrassed about taking her statement seriously.

I stare around me for a few seconds. I had no idea how I got here. I only remembered a pair of vivid green eyes and walking towards the front office.

Oh no! What if I have... amnesia? I started freaking out as I grasped the nurse's hands in my own. She gave a jerk as my cold hands suddenly surrounded her own.

" What year is it? Please tell me! How long have I been out? I was born on December 7th, 1996. The last date I remember was October 12th, 2013."

The nurse gave me an exasperated look, suddenly looking a whole lot less friendly, " Oh you're one of those students."

"What do you mean, Nurse Lady?" I questioned, taking a stray hair and tucking it securely behind my ear. The nurse rolled her eyes, and waved her hands in the air as if swatting away a particularly annoying bug.

"The one's who faint for like 10 minutes then wake up thinking their whole life has gone by. I assure you, you are just as youthful and healthy as you were yesterday."

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