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Requested by @girgal
Sorry if this wasnt what you wanted :/ I didnt quite get what you meant CUZ IMMA DERP so i just kinda did this....i have no control over what my hands type btw so if it turns out sad or too cliche BLAME MY HANDS! I plan NONE of these.


Da Benja's POV -W-

I sniped another player with my bow, yelling in victory. "Dat snipe doe!" I heard Jerome chuckle through the ear piece. "You go biggums!" He cheered.

I ate a cooked steak and sprinted down the stone path. Another player had tried to sneak up behind me and was now chasing me. "I got a bacca on my tail!" I yelled, laughing. "Don't worry, I'm on my way." He responded, the sound of leaves crunching faintly coming from the earpiece.

I looked over my shoulder to see that the player was only a few blocks behind me. My eyes widened and I turned a corner sharply, breathing heavy. The player clumsily turned the corner as well, putting some distance between us.

I grinned in victory but it was short lived as another joined the one behind me. I gasped and tried to speed up. My legs burning slightly. "Jerome!" I yelled and he quickly answered. "What? Are you okay?"

"Theres two of them!"

"Where did you go!?" He asked frantically. "Um, I don't know! I'm next to a large building near some trees!"

"I think I know where you're at!" He yelled and the crunching resumed, blending in with my own footsteps. I was gasping for air as they gained on me.

"Come on Mitch! FIGHT ME!" One yelled followed by the other saying, "Yeah you coward, fight!" They both had iron swords and decent armor while I had an iron sword and crappy armor. One slowed a little as he whipped out his bow, aiming at me. The arrow flew past my head and I yelped in surprise.

The one shooting laughed and threw a slowball at me. I felt my panic raise as my running became sluggish and it was hard to actually move my legs. Another arrow flew by and I barely dodged it. "Give up Mitchell!" The one still running, sword raised, taunted.

"Its Mitch!" I yelled back, getting faster as the slowball wore off. "Ugh! Seru! Do you have another slow?" The one running asked. I looked back to see the bowman shaking his head.

"Jerome!?" I yelled. "I'm coming up behind them buddy. Be prepared to turn around and fight, okay?"

"Okay." I breathed out and pulled out my sword. "Now!" He yelled and I whipped around, sword raised. They skidded to a halt, smirking. "Oh, fighting now?" They said cockily. I smirked back, nodding.

"Come at me." Seru, I think, said with a grin. "With pleasure." I charged and attacked, nodding behind them at Jerome. He in turned attacked the other, the guy's eyes widening.

I rammed my sword into Seru's side, his shirt staining red. "Sorry dood." I said before bringing my sword down on his head. He burst into items and particles. "Seru!" The guy yelled, trying to run over. Jerome cut him off by slamming his axe straight through his stomach. He looked down before bursting into items as well.

"Good job biggums." I panted out, gathering the useful items. He came over and picked through them as well. "I'll always be there for you biggums." He responded quietly, so much so I could barely hear him.

I blushed a little and grabbed the iron helmet off the ground. I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

After we were done I went over and gave him 3 diamonds I found. "Uh, here." I said, pushing them into his paw. He looked at me surprised before grinning. "BETTY!" He shouted. I smiled and pulled out my iron sword. "Lets go find a crafting table."

Jerome nodded enthusiastically and started running to spawn. I followed after, keeping a lookout for any enemy players. I saw a few not paying attention but left them alone as Jerome kept running.

We reached the, thankfully empty, spawn and Jerome raced to build his axe. I watched as he leaped in joy with a huge grin on his face. He swung 'Betty' once and faced me. "Thanks Mitch!" He yelled and hugged me. I blushed a little and hugged back, enjoying the embrace.

"Come one, we gotta go chop chop some baccas!" He yelled before running off again. I followed with a grin, readying my sword.

We managed to finish off enough players to get to deathmatch, aquiring full iron armor along the way. We were teleported to spawn and I saw 2 other players. They were an easy kill as they had chain, a little iron, and stone swords. Poor guys.

It was now me and Jerome left and I faced him, sword ready. We nodded and started counting down at the same time. "3....2....1, GO!" We yelled and charged at each other. I got a cut on him as he passed by. He managed to nick my shoulder as well.

We turned to face again and I ran, sliding under him and cutting his legs. He yelled out and fell, legs weak. "Sorry biggums!" I yelled and raised my sword, swinging it down. He smiled before the blade hit him. His body burst into items and fireworks went off.

I grinned and cheered, jumping around. I was teleported to the lobby and Jerome stood there grinning.

I ran over, leaping on him. His eyes widened as I smashed our lips together. I heard a few gasps from some players standing near us. I didn't care as I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you Jerome." I said, nuzzling my head in his furry neck.

He got over his shock and chuckled. "Love you too Mitch."


Well that sorry, as i said, i didnt quite get what you meant cuz i is DERP! But i tried and my hands were just like, here, you're gonna do this and you WILL LIKE IT....imma go hide again now...

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