"Yeah, can you pick me up pickles?" I said without even hesitating.

I could tell this caught him off guard. "Um..sure?" He said probably questioning my sanity. "Anything else blue eyes?"

I thought for a second, "Nope I'm all good."

"Well I'll call right after school and check on you again and see if you need anything other than pickles." I laughed a little before saying "Thank you!"

"Feel better Scar, I'll talk to you later." I smiled and said "I'll try, good luck on your finals." We said our short goodbyes before he had to leave for class.

I got up and decided to clean my room to make the time pass. I felt my phone vibrate and I immediately jumped for joy. Realizing it was only Amber I laughed a little.

From: Amber

Message: Hey Girl! Where are you?! I miss you! We definitely need to hang out! I have stuff to tell you!

I smiled and realized I hadn't really talked to her as often lately. We used to talk every single day constantly. Which I loved honestly. She was like the sister I never had. It was nice because we never really ran out of things to talk about. You know how you have those friends that you can talk to but can't text because the whole conversation basically goes "Hi, Hey, Whats up? Nothing Much You? Nothing. Cool. Yeah. So. Okay, Bye"? Well with Amber it was the exact opposite. We were always finding new things to obsess over together.

I shook my head and texted her back quickly.

To: Amber

Message: I was feeling pretty crappy so I stayed home. We definitely need to hangout soon! What about tomorrow after school?

I sent the message knowing she should have her phone off because of her finals. I continued cleaning up the house until I felt dizzy. I sat down and drank some water. All of the sudden I heard my phone ring. I glanced at the clock. 2:25. Jason had just gotten out of school. I answered it quickly, but not to quickly, I didn't wanna make it seem like I was desperate or anything.

"Hey!" I said smiling.

"Hey blue eyes, you need anything besides pickles?"

"Nope!" I said eager to eat the pickles. I've had a weird craving for them since this morning for some reason. It's probably my time of the month. Speaking of which that should've started 5 days ago.

"Earth to Scarlet?" Jason said loudly after laughing.

I was shot out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Sorry what?" I mumbled, my face turning a deep shade of red,

"I said, I'll grab your pickles and a couple other things, I'll be over in about 20 minutes okay?"

I nodded, but soon realized he couldn't see me so I said a quick "Okay" just before he hung up.

I should probably put on some decent clothes I thought to myself looking down at my over sized Beatles T-Shirt and sweatpants. I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed a pair of Nike shorts and left my Beatles shirt on but tied it up in the back. I threw my hair in a messy bun and nodded in approval looking at myself in the mirror. I continued cleaning before I heard a knock on the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. There stood Jason with a bag in his hand.

"Hey blue eyes!" He smiled and stepped in. "You feel any better?"

I nodded and smiled "I am actually." He took off his shoes and grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. "PICKLES!!!" I said excitedly as he set the jar on the counter. He laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"You're an odd one." He laughed.

"Tell me something I don't know!" I giggled.

"How was your last day in your high school career?" I said jumping up and sitting on the counter. He set his hands on my thighs playfully and said"Oh you know it was a last day. Pretty crazy to think that in a couple of months I'll be off to college." I sighed at the thought of him being away for so long. Yet again felt light headed. Jason must've noticed because he said "Are you okay?" I nodded and smiled gently. "Just a little out of things I guess."

He looked a little uncomfortable as I glanced back down at the bag. What...was still in there?

"What else did you buy?" I said confused, keeping my voice light. I began reaching for the bag as he said.

"First let me explain-"

I cut him off by grabbing the contents of the bag. I gasped when I saw the box. This couldn't be happening. It can't. This will only confirm my worst nightmare. This can't happen.

-Ali Marie

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