let the hive aid you

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Over the next few days the Huntress asked the other Wraith to find every one of those small toys they could, and if they couldn't find anymore, they were to make some. The more she practiced controlling them, the more she wanted to alter the design, so she sat down with the Keeper and they figured out how to make more. She had the smooth outer coating replaced with a rigidone that would sink deep into whatever it struck. The orbs acted like small flying blades that she could not only use for defense but offense as well. Once she activated them, no one but Emeth ever dared to get anywhere near her.

Within a few weeks the Huntress had turned a toy into a deadly weapon that responded to her thoughts. The sight was unlike anything most Wraith had ever seen, so little by little they started to watch her practice with them. Every day until she learned the limits of her control over these devices she practiced with Emeth by her side. By the end of the 2nd week, the Huntress was calling them her Eyes because she could use them to extend the range of her perception by an amazing amount. Emeth had even came up with the ideal of caring them around on her clothing, and he had a special cloak made that she could land and disconnect almost 100 of the orbs, easily.

The Matriarch was highly amused by the Huntress use of the toy and allowed her to return to training. Everything was improving as well as could be expected, until the very end of the fourth month of pregnancy, when she woke up screaming in the middle of the night. Emeth was panicked when the Keeper rushed into her room. The Keeper pushed Emeth aside and placed his hand over her enormous belly, after a moment she finally calmed, a small bit.

"It's too soon." the Huntress could barely whisper. The Keeper growled as he examined her with his sense's.

"We can wait no longer." the Keeper growled after her distress did not stop. "We must take her to the Hive." he growled as he pushed his arm under her back to lift her. "Prepare a transport, immediately." by the time he was finished speaking the door to the room was closed behind Emeth. He went ahead of them to ready a ship to return to the Hive. It was only a few minutes later when the Keeper arrived in the docking bay with a distressed Huntress in his arms. It took little less then 30 minutes to return to the Hive and another ten to reach the maturation chamber. By the time the Keeper could lay her in the thick waters of the maturation pool he had to pry her claws from his neck as she cried out in pain.

Several more Wraith had joined them on the journey and a few more tried desperately to get the chamber online.

"The Hive is not accepting her, I don't understand." one of the wraith howled with frustration. The keeper growled as he motioned his Second to stay at the females side while he went to the controls himself. Once there he growled a few times and slammed his hand against the console.

"It has been calibrated for her genetic code, there is no reason..." the Keeper words trailed off as he searched through several more calculations on the screen.

Emeth stood in the thick liquid used to support the female's body while she laid in the maturation chamber. He watched as the Wraith fussed around them, yet some how, he did not care what they were doing. When he took the Huntress's hand in his, his could feel her pain, her struggle against the Hive. She was still panicked and she had no ideal what was happening. Emeth leaned in very close to the floating female, who was still distraught.

"Kayna. You are not alone." Emeth made sure only the Huntress could hear him.

"Emeth." she gasped as she reached for him, only to be taken over by another pain soon after.

"You must let the hive help you." he spoke loud enough to drown out her cries, and it got many of the other Wraiths attention around them. "Do you not trust us?" he questioned her. She turned to him and nodded in-between her pains. "Then you must let us help you. Let the Hive aid you." Emeth gently touched her cheek and then everything started to hum around them. Every Wraith stopped what they were doing an all attention turned to the Huntress and Emeth in the pool of liquid in the middle of the room.

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