"Ugh" I moan in annoyance as I slam my laptop shut. "I hate her so much" I groan.

"Yet you trusted him to go see her."

"I trust Josh."

"Until he fucks up."

"Eric" I sigh.

"I'm worried about you Moesha" he replies making a soft smile pull at my lips despite the seriousness of this conversation. "I know how much you love him and you have Emma" he trails off. "That girl got her claws into him once, I just don't want to see it happen again."

"I know" I give, opening the oven to check on the lasagna I had baking. "It's about Andrew, he's his best friend. I would be the same way if it was Riley."

"Mhm but you've never had sex with your best friend's husband" he pauses, "I think" he adds making me chuckle.

"No Eric, Huckleberry and I never did more than stare into each other's eyes" I laugh as the front door opens and Josh walks in looking exhausted. "Hey Eric, your brother just walked in. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright Moana, put the piggy on the phone."


"Yea, you're Moana and she's your adorable little pig" he replies making me laugh as I walk the phone over to Emma.

"Baby girl, your uncle wants to talk to you."

"Squirrels" she exclaims, grabbing my phone. I giggle as I turn back around and see Josh standing near the door a smile pulling at his lips.

"How was the hospital?" I ask as I head back to the kitchen to check on dinner. This time it's done so I pull it out of the oven and place it on the counter.

"Sucks" he admits, "Drew misses you, he was pissed you didn't come" he chuckles.

"How was Callie?" I snip, unable to help myself.

"I don't control what she posts" he says seriously.

"I know" I reply, opening the drawer and pulling out a spatula. "That doesn't mean I like it."

"We barely even talked, I mean she tried to talk but I brushed her off. I was there for Drew, not Callie." I sigh, bracing myself against the counter. "Maya" he says softly, placing his hand on my hip and slowly turning me to face him, "baby I love you but these insecurities are silly. You're the only person I want to be with."

"She just gets under my skin" I admit, looking up at him. "I'm trying not to get so upset but it's hard and no matter how much you insist that you're not going anywhere, my brain rejects that and convinces me otherwise, you know that."

"I know" he says softly, reaching up to caress my cheek. "I'm sorry baby. Next time we'll go together okay" he smiles.

"But Emma" I protest.

"Can hang out with Dylan" he shrugs, "plus I think Drew would really like to see her."

I look back at Emma talking animatedly on the phone, a smile pulling at my lips before I look back to Josh. "Okay" I give, "maybe once school's on break, before Christmas."

"I'll check with Drew but I'm sure that'll be fine" he smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Now uh, why is my brother calling?"

"He's part of the anti-Callie squad" I admit with a laugh.

"Of course he is" he laughs along with me. "I'm sorry I was gone so long."

"It's okay" I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You hungry?"

Wedding On A Rainy Day ♡ Thunderstorms Sequel ✅Where stories live. Discover now