Chapter 9: Dare Friday

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This one was super fun to write, honestly. It's basically a combination of all the weird stuff I want my characters to do and giving them a reason why they're going to do it.

I wanted to start making ASD serious, so I decided to start delving into some serious issues in future chapters and make a couple of characters more than just one-dimension huge stereotypes. I actually had this problem in my writing when I was younger, and I think I've gotten better on it, wiiiith the exception of a few other characters...-aghackacough-frigate-horkblerch-ariel

Expect a bit more character development chapters in the upcoming chapters, like Chloe possibly getting diagnosed with cancer or Eladriel having severe stress in school in the autumn.

P.S. Anyone share my headcanon that Charlotte is normally a super sweet and shy girl but has her mama-bear modes when it comes to Eladriel; e.g. there's a pushy girl that is trying to force Eladriel to date her even though he's clearly not interested and Charlotte decides to take matters into her own hands?

I'm going to be putting links to the versions of A Summoner's Duty and Runaways on fanfiction . net in every chapter from now on.


Summary: One boring Friday ends up becoming way more unexpected and absurd than Sara would like when Vivian announces a tradition she and her sister has and forces everyone to take part in it. Secrets are revealed and a certain feminine knight that possesses magical powers shows up on Sara's island during the middle of the day.


I was just waking up about six hours past my Orion alarm because I was feeling horrible from doing my weekly binge on Nutella when I heard Vivian's voice ring out in our house: "DARE FRIDAY!" Some mumbling in response; Yeonhong replied with "I'll go tell her!"

My room door was promptly kicked open and Yeonhong started shouting at me to get up. I didn't even roll over and away from the wall to face her when my fist flew up and knocked her on the nose. I could hear her yelp and stumble back before calling for back up. I threw the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

"GET UP." Orion screamed, throwing the covers entirely off my body. I hissed and curled up into a ball. The ruckus continued on for about ten minutes before I gave up and shouted I was trying to sleep. All rifts had been closed up, and as far as I could tell, no anomalies had appeared yet. I just wanted to go to sleep off my terrible feeling before getting up at 2 in the afternoon and lock myself in my room all day to work on my book; is that too much to ask?

All was silent for a second before I felt Orion whisper something to Yeonhong and roll away, the girl following him. Covers pulled back up, and I was just about to fall asleep when my girl instinct felt something. It was a bad feeling, the one I only got when someone was touching my 3DS without my permission.

Ten seconds later, I was in the living room, shouting at Orion to put it down before I went nuts on him. You could practically hear "Megalovania" from Undertale being blasted at full volume in the background. I noticed Sapphire, Vivian, Anavel and all four Archangels in the living room, along with a couple of other monsters, but I wasn't paying attention to them. Once I had reassured that my 3DS was fine, Vivian crossed one leg on top of another and began.

"It's Dare Friday!" She smiled, throwing a hat up into the air and catching it, like Anavel and her teddy bear. "Sis and I have a tradition where on the Friday of every second week, we're all subject to random dares from the other we have to complete or else we have to have this cap I made for the rest of the day." She held up a red and white baseball cap that had the words "COWARD" poorly stitched on using pieces of felt.

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