Chapter 8: Giants, Occult Girls and My Town's Fate

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I needed some inspiration, so I have the Summoner's War Cinematic Trailer and the Breaking the Barrier commercial open and playing on repeat at the same time! whAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I'M TOTALLY SANE –

I've actually started an alt account on a different server, and don't you all worry, I've got goals! Some of those goals are: Get Roid (mah boi) to be one of my best monsters and also fuse Veromos before I did on my main account. If you all want to friend me on that account (and maybe give me a couple of reps to use), I'm on the Asia server, and my username, like always, is AwesomeTrinket.

Did you guys know that I legitimately call people out on swear words in public? evenifidosaytheminprivatebutshhhhdon'ttellanyone


Summary: Artamiel appears in a turn of events, weaknesses are discovered, and Charlotte finds an unlikely friend who turns out to be a lot like her in more than just appearance.


Vivian's jaw dropped at the appearance of Artamiel. It was all normal for me, though. I was used to seeing him around a lot – my best friend did summon him, after all. He recognized me, and I waved. Before I could even say a greeting, the shouting from the twins began.

"Wait what wait WHAT WAIT WHAT SINCE WHEN DID YOU BECOME BEST FRIENDS WITH AN ARTAMIEL?!" She screamed over the wind blowing in our faces.

"I always thought he was a myth, like-like-like a god or something, never in a million years would I have thought that I would see the day Artamiel came and now it's finally here and –" I cut Sapphire off.

"Now will you just calm yourself, Sapphire? You have his dark brother, I have his wind, and your twin has water and fire, why are you freaking out over the light Archangel?" We had an important mission on our hands, and I was not in the mood for it to be forgotten just because Artamiel was there. Charlotte and Eladriel seemed to be lost in thought at the sudden appearance of Artamiel. I didn't care at the moment, though.

"You and Tanuki were sent out here to clean up anomalies, too?" I shouted to him.

"Yep. I was told that I'd be fighting alongside an old friend and some new ones. Never expected to see you here!" I shrugged, probably said something wise like 'Life is unpredictable, dear Artamiel' and changed the subject to the mission on our hands.

"Alright, first up is the Giant. I'm told that there's going to be a few portals to Trial of Ascension stages and that multiple people are going to be fighting with us in Giants' Keep." Artamiel nodded. The clouds above our heads grew darker the further we flew, and soon enough, a bolt of lightning jumped from one side of the cloud to another. The thunder almost deafened us all.

"I think we're almost here!" I yelled. Galleon responded by shouting in anger.

"Oh, bloody hell!" I turned to Zerath, where I quickly saw Galleon trying to keep his distance away from Frigate without actually falling off. The latter's head was turned away from me, so it took me a second to realize the unholy noises somehow managing to rip its way out of his throat. Within a second of seeing and hearing this, his shoulders lurched and he retched once before he released a horrific cocktail of alcohol, stomach acid and whatever else Frigate managed to drunkenly consume through his mouth. I blinked once, twice, thrice, and then I myself vommed. Just kidding, but I still blinked a few times to register the fact that Frigate threw up over the side of a Zerath while we were quite the height up. Galleon was swearing like a sailor. I can't blame him; number one, he is a sailor technically and number two I'd probably do the same thing in his situation.

A Summoner's DutyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon