Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The forest looked deep and inviting. I am still confused on how I really ended up here. I have been walking around for hours now and I think that I am lost. I cannot find my way out of this forest and it is starting to give me the creeps.

Today, I ran away from the orphanage where I grew up. I got tired living in that old house where I spent years of my life not knowing who I really am, where I came from, and who my parents are. I have a vague memory of my past. All I can recall is being chased by someone or something that a then five year old couldn't even understand. I can remember that I was with my family that night. We were running and there were screams of pain that echoed in the darkness.

I woke up with no memory of who I am at an orphanage. I was told that they found me wounded so they took me in. Days, weeks, months, and years gone by, I waited but no one came to get me or claimed to be my family so they assumed that my parents were dead. All I have was a locket with inscriptions and symbols I cannot even understand. It has been with me the whole time. They say that I was wearing it when they found me. I have been holding on to what I have left and probably the only key to my past and in finding my family.

It was already twilight and I don't know how long I was in the forest. I continued walking with hopes of finally getting out. What happened yesterday didn't slip off my mind regardless of the seemingly endless walking in circles in this forest. I don't know what really happened. I just felt them and that they are still alive. Crazy may it seem, I was led here. I felt their presence. I think I had a flashback or was it a dream? For some reason, I cannot explain why I can feel warmth from the locket and it is starting to scare me. Strange things started to happen and it has been more frequent since I turned 16 this year. I have been having nightmares of some kind of darkness chasing me and a lot more other things I cannot comprehend.

I walked further but there was a sudden strange feeling that made me feel cold and shudder. Eventually, something caught my eye. I saw a silhouette. Something isn't right. Suddenly, a grey mist started to surround me. I can feel my heart pounding and my intuition says, run! I followed my gut and so I ran just as something started chasing me. All I can see are silhouettes. I ran as fast as I could but tripped and fell. Out of fear, I just
stared into the darkness of the forest. As a cloud of mist came closer, I raised my hand to surrender to whatever it was chasing me and closed my eyes hoping it was just a dream.

I felt that tingling sensation in my hands again. When I opened my eyes, the silhouettes were gone. So is the mist. I was clueless of what happened. My palm looked red and felt hot. I took a rest for a while and tried to figure things out. It happened again. What are those things? Why are they chasing me? What do they want from me?

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