"The Introduction" Chapter 6

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Welcome back my cookies, to chapter 6! Enjoy the chapter~

Reader: *sweATS NERVOUSLY* why am i even here, author-chan explain


The female was surprised that the Irishman let out a hand for her, but she was too stiff to even MOVE properly. She shivered due to the freezing temperature of the room, her cheeks puffing up. She gripped the hand in attempt to stand up, which she obviously was able to do, just with the brute strength of the demon holding your hand.  You stood up stiffly from the floor, as the lights flickered on, unlike the dim light from before. A sudden gush of warmth spurred across the room, hinting the fact someone turned on the heater, making your eyes widen in happiness. 

"Is that warm enough for you, kitten?" Dark purred in your ear, a scowl of disgust forming on your face. You decided to regretfully nod at his question, cautious of the fact of him snapping again. Especially the man holding your hand, that is. Oh, yeah. You were holding the Irishman's hand. You quickly swiped it off his own, as a blush of embarrassment appeared  on your cheeks. The irishman obviously frowned at his action, as the tall male smirk. "What? Ya don't want ter hold me hand?" He muttered in annoyance, as you quickly widened your eyes and shook your head.

"I-It's not that, it's just that I'm not used to holding someone hand, okay?" You said in defense, wanting to make sure he wasn't angered. He crossed his arms over his chest, as he scoffed. "Whatever." He stated in a annoyed tone, before a small smile appeared on his lips. "Besides, it's only now that you're allowed to speak freely, anyways." He muttered, yet loud enough for you to hear. You shuddered, his voice eerily creepy in the the room. You stood still as long as possible, until you felt the chest of the man behind you press your shoulder. 

"So, what now? An introduction seems fair, dontcha think?" The male behind you said huskily, as the Irishman nodded. You gulped roughly as the two male's agreed on what were to happen, an airy feeling escaping your lungs as you tried to capture them again in your lungs. You inhaled softly and exhaled roughly, as you looked at the two simultaneously with a dreadful look. God, how the hell did you even include yourself is such a mishap? You were confused out of your mind, but you weren't going down without a fight. You gulped, your chapped lips rubbing against each other to create any sorts of lactation of saliva to dampen them. 

"I am known as Darkiplier, the ruler of darkness." The tall male whispered whimisically into your ear, supposedly trying to catch you off-guard as the Irishman rolled his eyes at the other male. "You arent call the 'ruler of Darkness', Dark." The irishman hissed back at the Dark with annoyance, an addition of more black ooze leaking out of his eyes. He let out a annoyed sigh, facing you for a proper introduction. "Call me Antisepticeye. We're known as the demonic polar-opposites of your most 'favored' youtubers. Since, we do kinda.. No, scratch that, LITERALLY look like our parallel selves." Anti stated normally, his Irish accent engulfing the words that escaped from his pale lips.  

You gulped once more out of terrific fright, your mouth going dry as a sand dune as you tried to escape any word from your lips to make  good expression on the demonic duo. Your hands were shaking once more, a fear gripping your stomach. What were they going to do next to you? Were they going to rape you? Torture you? Squeeze any information out of you, or just play with you like their own personal toy? Dread continued to swarm your thoughts, until you hard a hard ringing blaring the room. 

"Well, it seems our time is up." Dark sighed sadly, as Anti shook his head. "Dont worry, we'll keep her for much longer than today. But for now, let's let her rest." Anti stated, before grabbing the other male's hand, and pushing their selves out of the living room.

"For now, at least."

And with that, you jolted from your bed, in a trance of cold sweat. Your hands were shaking uncontrollably, more than you've seen them shake before, as you yelped to breath in for air. Your eyes scattered frantically for any sights of the demonic duo, but everything was still in place. Her laptop closed shut, her papers scattered almost on every nook and cranny of her bed, and her blanket still sprawled over her as the time she tried to protect herself. Everything was the same as she left it before she was attacked.

Yet, with the only difference of the time, it being 3:33 am.

Demonic Duo (Darkiplier & AntiSepticEye X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora