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I didn't mean to. I just wanted to keep you safe. I'm a failure. I looked at the clock it read 2 a.m.

I got up and walked outisde. It slowly started to rain. I gladly took the rain drops in. They washed away my pain or at least tried to. I walked to a little park that had a secluded bench hidden by the trees. I sat down. I looked around. It's such a beautiful night.

Someone sat down next to me. He had a hand in his pocket. I acted like I didn't notice that he had a possible weapon in his pocket. I got up and walked away. As soon as I was out of sight I ran.

Why am I running again? What's the point if they're gonna find me. They're gonna get revenge one way or another.

I found my room and shut the door. I moved a chair up against the lock and walked away. I sat on my bed and turned on the tv.

It was showing the murder of my family. It's said that it had no leads on who killed them, I was missing. What a shock.

I turned off the tv and looked at the clock. It read 3:30 a.m. I sighed and went to sleep.

I awoke with a killer headache. Damn it I don't have any pain killers. I will just have to go down to the store.

I walked down to the convenience store. I got some pain killers and some cash. Before I left home, I stole my fathers money, he's loaded.

I started to head back to the apartment when I took a detour to get an idea of the area. I walked down an alley way. I was followed by 3 men.

I looked one in the eye. He had an evil grin plastered on his face. Fuck, I'm done killing. At least that's what I thought.

The first guy ran up to me. He had a knife on on his hip. I grabbed it, and I stabbed it into his arm. He howled in pain. I kicked him in the groin, and he fell over. I stabbed him in the heart, and blood spewed out from his wound.

The second guy ran at me. I punched him in the face. He fell over from the force of impact. I stepped on his face. The third guy looked at me and ran.

I picked up the second man. He had a bloody crooked nose. He was smiling. What the fuck is wrong with this guy.

"They'll find you," he said.

"Who?" I said.

"You know who," he said.

"I killed their leader" I said.

"That's why they'll find you. They'll rip you to shreds. There is no way you can escape them. They have all the power," he said.

"Who is they," I asked.

"Park Industrys," he said.

I slit his throat. He gasped for air. He tried to stop the bleeding but failed to do so. He lay limp on the ground. I kicked his lifeless body.

Shit why the fuck would Park Industrys want me now? He never knew me.

I walked home. I left the pain killers in the alley, and wasn't in the mood to head back. I slowly walked up the stairs to not enhance the pain.

"Well well well. Look who we have here. What have you been doing son. You look like a mess," the old man said.

"Just shut up you old man. I'm not in the mood for this. I have had a very rough day. If you can wrap your small brain around that and shut up, that would be great," I whispered.

I walked up the steps and unlocked my door. I sat down with many thought running through my head. Why would he want me now? He never made an effort before, why now. Just because I killed my father doesn't harm him in any way. He is now at the top of the industry business since my father died.

I got a phone call from an unknown number. I ignored it. It was probably Mr. Park. I am not in the mood to talk to him. My phone rang next. Annoyed I answered.

"What do you want. Yes I killed my family. What difference does it make? I have already killed two of your men. Are you going to send more after me? In that case don't bother because they will all die," I said.

"All I want to do is talk Mr. Kim. You are next in line, well you are now the top of your industry. I want to make a proposal so that I can have your company," Mr. Park said.

"Mr. Park," I started.

"Please call me Jimin. I feel so old when people call me Mr. Park," he said.

"Fine, Jimin. I don't want the industry. You can have it. I was never like my father anyways," I said.

"That's right Mr. Kim, you are not like your father at all. You are a killer. Killers are not into the industry stuff, they like to kill. How would you like to become my personal assassin?" he questioned.

"What makes you think I want to kill," I said.

"It pays well, and you would not be living in a motel talking to an old man every day. You would be living with me in my mansion. Are you in Mr. Kim?" he asked.

I thought about it. It would be nice. I would never have to see that old hag again. Why not what else do I have to lose. My life? No, there is nothing left to save. My family is dead. I am sure my relatives wish that I am dead. So why not.

"Yea sure. Where do I meet you," I said.

"Just open the door and follow my body guard to the car. We will talk when you get here," he said and hung up.

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