Chapter 3

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Hey guys, another update!
Hope you like it.

Dedicated to @magicalme21 thanks for the awesome banner and for helping me throughout❤️

Amelia ⚜️

I turned and saw most of the students of Lakewood High standing there. What the fuck?

No to be rude or something but after the incident I didn't  expect this to happen. Fuck, I expected no one to like me apart from my brothers.

I remember getting so many messages filled with such hateful remarks which was the reason I had to change my number. I'm certain that time didn't make them magically forget things. The only way they would be so normal was if they knew the truth.

Then I realised that everyone was still looking at me. I smiled at the crowd and muttered a thank you.

Tyler understood that I was still in shock so he took that moment to turn the attention away from me,"What are you guys waiting for? Start the fucking party." And the crowd cheered and went back to partying.

" And the crowd cheered and went back to partying

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Tyler Parker

We went to the lounge cause we all knew that now the discussion was bound to happen and it had to be done privately.

"Amy I know you are confused--", Chloe started to say but I cut her off.

"What does everyone know?" I asked them calmly. They looked at each other before Tyler spoke up.

"They only know the bits and pieces of the thing that you should have told us on your own," Tyler said harshly but I didn't react to his words. I had to keep my temper at bay.

I know he was hurt. Fuck all of them were hurt because of me but I right now I really needed to know what everyone knew. And if everyone knew, does it mean Colton knew the truth too?

Fuck my life.

"Tyler please I need to know what the fuck do they know about that day?" I pleaded him.

He looked hesitant to speak first then he sighed and said,"When Kevin came back last month after visiting you. I knew he was hiding something, the next day in school he went upto that fucking assho-Jackson and his buddies in the soccer field and the guys and me followed him cause we knew something was wrong. That's when Jackson said somethings and admitted to what he had done and everyone came to know about the truth." I knew the things he said in the end were not the complete truth.

"What are you hiding Tyler?"I asked him.

"Nothing Amy," he said." That's the entire story."

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