High School AU: Artist Yuri

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Viktor couldn't keep his eyes off him. The raven haired boy who sat under the tree, looking intense as he sketched away on a drawing pad.

Viktor found it quite endearing. But there was one thing Viktor seemed to learn during his first week at this school; The guy never talked to anyone. He didn't seem to have any friends which Viktor found odd.

Viktor was doing fairly well at the new school, though. Everyone seemed to want to be friends with the new Russian exchange student. And while he was grateful, he was just interested in the one guy who wouldn't talk to him. He had tried, however, talking to the artist. But all he got was a grunt and a hand swatting him away. But Viktor was determined to speak to the boy again soon. As soon as today.

They shared a history class together and most of the time they watched a movie in this class. The guy, Yuri (he found out his name) usually sat alone so Viktor would just sit next to him today. And then he would try his best to befriend the other. He just prayed it goes well.

As the day went on, Viktor prepared himself for his conversation. He checked his hair every hour and made sure he didn't eat anything that smelled too much at lunch. He was nervous for once in his life. Most of the time his confidence was through the roof but when it came to this guy, he was a mess. He hated and loved it at the same time. Hated it because he wasn't use to it. Loved it because he felt like he finally met someone who can put him in his place.

When the last hour of the day came along, Viktor did one last check in the boy's bathroom and made his way to History class. He made sure he got there close to the time that the bell rang so that he was sure Yuri would be there already. And thankfully, he was and he was sitting alone. Viktor smirked and made his way into the class, ignoring the stares from some of the pretty girls in front and went to the back of the class where Yuri was sat. He sat down just as the bell rang.

Yuri barely glanced at Viktor as he took a seat, his eyes mostly on a sketchbook in front of him.

Viktor kept his stare to the front of the class. He listened to the teacher explain the movie they would be watching today and then turning off the light.

Viktor sat back in his chair then, crossing his arms over his chest. "You would think they would have us read a chapter in a book or do a test every now and then," He whispered to the boy next to him.

Yuri didn't respond, just kept sketching. He knew this would be hard.

Viktor pursed his lips and leaned in near Yuri, "I'm Viktor by the way. In case you were wondering."

"I wasn't," Yuri grumbled.

Viktor frowned, "Why don't you like people?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Because I want to get to know you."

Yuri put down his pencil and looked at Viktor. It was the first time Viktor saw his eyes and they were beautiful. Brown, almost black and the sun was hitting them just right to make them sparkle, "I don't like people because they suck."

It took Viktor a moment to respond, lost in the other's eyes, "Oh... Well, I'm sorry the people you have met have sucked."

Yuri rolled his eyes and looked back at his sketch book, Viktor watching him as he drew. It appeared he was drawing a figure skater. It was just a sketch but it was beautiful and detailed.

"Do you mind?" Yuri asked, putting his hand over the sketchbook.

"It's just really good," Viktor explained.

💙Vikuuri One Shots | by Kittyyuri💚Where stories live. Discover now