"Bella, what happened?" Bumblebee's voice shook me from my reminiscing as I was recalling how some marks had got there.

"I said my father disciplines me." I said quietly.

"Liar." Jack said.

"What?" I asked.

"Your lying. He beats you, this isn't discipline." Jack said angrily.

"Ok so what if he does? There's nothing I can do about it anyway." I mumbled.

"Why do you go back there every day?" Bumblebee asked.

"Because, if he didn't hurt me, he'd go after Rafael. I promised myself when he was born that I wouldn't let him get hurt just because his sire is a bastard." I said, narrowing my eyes instinctively at the thought of him.

"Who is he?" Bumblebee asked, his voice going deep. (If I wasn't so worried about where this conversation was going, I'd be internally fan fueling over how hot it sounded)

"What?" I asked, hoping I didn't hear him right.

"Who is he?" Bumblebee repeated.

"My.. My father? Why?" I asked cautiously.

"Because I'm about to go step on him." He said.

"Step on who?"

I snapped my head toward the voice to Raf standing there.

"Why is your shirt off?" He asked. "What's going on?"

"My shirts off because they wanted to check my bruises from today. And bumblebee wants to go step on Papa." I explained.

Raf looked at my stomach and gasped. "He did that? But he already beat you twice yesterday, those weren't there when I checked them over!" Raf ran to me, hugging me gently.

I sighed and hugged him back. "You know how I wasn't in the cafeteria at lunch today?" They both nodded. "He...dragged me to the back of the school and knocked me around for a bit. I'm fine though, give me a day to heal a little and the pain will be gone." I assured.

"Bee, stomp on him!" Raf said.

"No, Bee. It's okay." I said.

"No it's not." Bee and Jack said at the same time.

"I'm a fighter. I can take it." I said.

"Then why don't you fight him? Your one of the best fighters I've ever seen." Raf said.

"Because I almost got myself killed the last time I fought back." I said, pulling my shirt half way over me, but stopped when I felt Raf tracing a large cut on my back.

"It looks like he tried to cut off your wings." Raf said quietly.

I looked over my shoulder at the two deep cuts my sire had carved between my shoulder blades. "I have no wings to cut. I'm no angle." I said.

"Your my guardian angle." Raf said, looking down.

I seen Jack walk away to give us some privacy. I turned and sat in my knees after pulling my shirt down the rest of the way. "You know what that means? It means I won't go to heaven while you need me." I pulled him into a hug and he started sobbing quietly.

"But I'm scared. What if he makes your heart stop again?" Raf whispered.

"Then I'll just have to come back again. And hey, I'm glade he did." I said.

"What?" His eyes popped.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't know if you seen his face after I opened my eyes but I did and it was priceless!" I grinned widely, which Raf returned.

"Can someone tell me what we're talking about because this yellow mech is confused." Bee said, pointing to himself. I laughed and sat on the couch, wincing a bit.

"This one time, my father was angry about something, and he took me to the backyard and started beating me. He left me there unconscious and came back with a meat tenderizer from the kitchen and beat me until I woke up...Then beat me some more. He pounded it over my chest too much and my heart sputtered and stopped. I was technically dead for four minutes. When I woke up, one of my sisters was holding Raf back while Papa was just standing over me looking bored." I said, trying to shorten the story.

"How could anyone do something like that to their own sparkling?" Bumblebee muttered.

"I hate people." Raf said glumly.

"You hate Papa, not people." I said.

"Yeah, your right." He nodded.


I looked up at Bumblebee. "Yes?"

"Get out of there. Don't go back." He said.

"I can't do that. I won't leave Raf alone there. Besides, where would I go? There's no where for me." I shook my head.

"...you could always come here. I could put a hole in the wall of my room, we'll build a little place to stay with doors and couches and indoor plumbing, I heard humans like that." He said. I giggled at the indoor plumbing thing.

"Bumblebee...I'd love to but what about Raf, and what would Optimus say?" I asked.

"Raf, you could come too. I don't think Optimus would mind, it's getting you out of harms way." He reasoned.

I sighed and looked down at Raf. "What do you think? Do you wanna live here?" I asked.

He smiled. "That would be awesome!" He said.

"Okay. Talk to Optimus about it." I smiled up at Bee.

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