"Last night. Pops bought it for me."

"Figures. Did he give you that long responsibility speech?"

"You know it."

I scoffed. "Not surprised."

I stood there and looked at Dakota who was smiling hard as crap while rubbing the car.



"You gone unlock the car or...."

"Oh shit my bad." He clicked the unlock button on his keychain and looked at me seriously. "Do not mess up my baby."

I held my hands up in surrender. "Got it."

I slid into the car taking in the new car smell. Which just so happened to smell like his Polo cologne.

"So where were you last night?"

He pulled off and shook his head. "He went and we bought this car. Then afterward we go to Red Lobster and mom's boss came and sat down with us. How about dad told him I was going to become a lawyer and power attorney."


"Yeah, he pissed me off. But luckily Mr. Ausage understood my dreams to be in the music industry telling me about how his son works at the radio station at GSU."

I stifled out a little laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

I giggled. "Wait a second."



"Yeah, that's his last name."

"What's his first name, S?" I bent over laughing, feeling small stomach pains but I shook it off.

"Ahaha he's an Islander."

"That man's name is Sausage."

I started laughing so hard I was hitting on the door. "Aye man, can't be doing that to Rosie."

I looked at him sternly as he stopped his car in the middle of the road.

"She didn't mean it baby I'm sorry." He rubbed the dashboard and hugged the wheel.

"Anyways. Where are we going now?"

"To scoop up Adri. She wanted to go with us to the doctors."

"Do we have to go?"


"But I feel better, it's just sore now."



"Still going."

"Dakotaaa." I whined.

"Dakota nothing. I'm not going to just drive around and God forbid you come up dead. I don't want that shit on my conscience."

"Fine." I folded my arms pouting. "Meanie."

"You'll thank me later."

I looked over at him and saw a purplish red bruise peeking out from the collar of his Polo shirt.



"What is that on your neck?"

He stopped at a red light pulling down the mirror examining his neck.

"Shit." He mumbled.

"What is that?"

He mumbled something but I couldn't even understand him. "What?"

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