made flesh

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One day you will figure out why I did this, why I have taken everything away from you but until Rest until then .... always remember... Blaire.... I...


I promptly opened my Eyes and immediately sat up like a bolt of lightning from the cold surface I was lying on... cold sweat dripping down on my bare back.

"W-what's...--cough cough-- going on? D-Dorothy are you there?..." I spoke in a rasped voice, feeling like my throat had been stuffed with sand.

"Anyone? anyone hear me!?...--cough-- Why is it so dark here?" I mumbled the last part as I carefully climbed down the The stone slab I found myself on, unfortunately my sudden movement caused my legs to buckle beneath me and I collapsed face first onto the damp ground, my legs feeling like they were made of lead.

I cursed at my luck and weakly stood up, gritting my teeth in concentration as I used the edge of the stone slab as a support to raised my weakened self away from the Stone floor now that I was close enough to examine it.

It took me a moment until my legs finally Regained a modicum of strength to keep myself up without any support and began to blindly look for something that would light this dark room, even a single match would do.

"I better find it... it should be somewhere here..." I mumbled in a trance... As I felt a certainty that Something in this place can give me the necessary light but where did drew that knowledge from? I did not now, All I wanted was to drive away this Darkness that seem tear at my Sanity with each passing moment.

As I reached the far corner of the room, I started moving across the Moss infested wall, feeling for something... a groove or some sort of switch that would give me light.

I felt my feet crunching something into dust but I Ignored that and began to dig at the part of the wall that seem to have an extra layer of moss on it and soon found what I was looking for.

As I flip the switch like thing onthe moss covered wall, Crystals in glass jars that hung above the room like chandeliers began to glow in a bluish hue light and soon I found myself looking at a scene that only evil cultist would make.

Countless Human skulls surrounded the obsidian stone slab each one had the teeth marks of some sort of Wild animal which sent shivers down my spine. god only knows how I feel asleep in such a place, where something could have eaten me alive.

My face turning blue, I gulped down the bile that threatened to spew out of my mouth.


Now all I wanted to do was switch off the lights and be done with the sight before me but that would only Make things worst for my Psyche.

Trying to find something to distract myself, my eyes momentarily flickered towards a Moss covered object at the opposite end of the room, surrounded by what looks like Machinery of some sort that seem to have rusted and have fallen in a state of disrepair.

I doubt that such a Rusted thing can be repaired even if I had the knowledge and Spare parts to fix was that Bad...

Curiosity overcame dread and I slowly Approached the tall object, purposely avoiding stepping on any of the skulls in my way. Wouldn't want to anger any spirits to the point of haunting me...

Now that I have closer look... the object is quite intimidating in my perspective, with it being twice my Height and all. It also didn't helped that it was Covered in moss which hosted several broods of what looks like squirming maggots causing me to swallow my bile for a second time.

I took a deep breath to steady my heart before wiping a portion of the moss from the object with my hand, feeling the disgusting sensation of maggots on my stained left hand.

I froze in shock when something looked backed at me... i wanted to rubbed my eyes in disbelief but It was there. The truth that I wanted to deny even when the lights have been restored and visibility was the clearest.

A button stared back to me... in fact that button seemed to be the iris of my left eye...

In a state of panic I frantically wiped the rest of the moss that covered the tall mirror, ignoring the gross sensation of the moss and Maggots between my fingers.

I could only shriek in fright and despair at my reflection... for what I saw made my heart break and question my existence.

Deep down I knew... Something was wrong with me but I gnored it despite that unease at the back of my mind.

"W-what am I?" I could only whisper in a trembling voice, as my knees gave way and I knelt on the cold damp ground.

I rested my right hand which wasn't covered in moss onto the surface of the stained mirror... the hand which was sewn together like a ragdoll's.


I shouldn't be starting a new story while I am writing another one but I can't help it...

Anyway leave a like if you find this one interesting... it has the tinged of dark souls and a quite bit of optimistic side of Anime later on the story.

Without further ado.. Enjoy ^~^


Ps. Unedited

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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