Chapter One - Alexa McKormack

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                “Sorry about him,” I grumbled sheepishly, taking Tank in my arms and placing him outside the group. He took a few steps back before sitting down stubbornly. I rolled my eyes, refocusing my attention on the girl.

                I could see her more clearly now that she was right in front of me. Choppy, nutmeg brown hair framed her fair-skinned, lightly freckled face. Her eyes were a strange yet stunning mix of blue and green. Her 5’3” frame radiated with a subtle beauty that would be easily overlooked by most people, but treasured if discovered by the right person.

                “Are you okay?” Connor asked. The girl shifted back and forth every few seconds, her fingers fidgeting anxiously. Why was she so nervous?

                “I, uh, y-yeah. I’m just…lost,” she stuttered. “I’m sorry I bothered you. I’ll figure it out eventually.” She turned to leave in a hurry.

                “Wait!” The girl flinched, freezing by her car door. I cleared my throat, slightly embarrassed. “You didn’t bother us. Maybe we can help. Orlando’s a big city. Where are you trying to go?”

                Panic set into the girl’s eyes, but she desperately tried not to let it show. “That’s the problem. I can’t remember the exact name.”

                “Do you have any idea what it sounded like, or what it was close to?” Thomas asked. The girl racked her brain, searching for anything, but shamefully shook her head.

                I shifted a bit awkwardly. What were we supposed to do now? “Well are you here for a concert or something? Maybe we know the venue?”

                Once again the girl shook her head, an embarrassed blush creeping into her cheeks. “No, I’m actually trying to get to a friend’s house to-“ she hesitated slightly. “Surprise him for his birthday! I haven’t seen him since he moved down here, but now I’ve lost his address and he won’t answer his phone.”

                Connor dug his phone from his pocket. “Did you check White Pages? He’s probably listed there-“

                “H-he moved recently,” she stammered, trying to sort through her thoughts. “He’s probably not in there yet.”

                “Okay…” Connor said slowly, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

                “I’ll just go. I’m really sorry about this-“ The mystery girl had backed toward her car, but couldn’t even open the driver’s door before mom’s familiar car came rolling up the driveway.

                “Boys, I’m going to need a few hands- oh, hello!” Mom said cheerfully. “I don’t believe I’ve met you before. Although with all the people the boys bring over, I’ve probably just forgotten.” She chuckled lightly.

                “Oh actually, we’ve never met. I was lost and had pulled over to try to get directions. I was just leaving, though..”

                “Were the boys able to give you directions? Why don’t you let me help you, they aren’t the best with that sort of thing.” I knew that the look she sent our way was meant for me, but I didn’t bother defending myself. I couldn’t help that I was given a poor sense of direction..

                “It’s alright; I wouldn’t want to keep you all from your dinner. I think I’ve got it figured out now, actually-“

                “She doesn’t remember the address and can’t get ahold of her friend,” Connor said about the same time. He rubbed his neck awkwardly as the girl shot daggers at him with those green-blue eyes.

                “I’m sure I’ll figure it out,” she said hurriedly, but it was too late. Mom’s motherly instincts had already kicked in.

                “Oh, you’re not keeping us from dinner. In fact, why don’t you join us? I wouldn’t want you getting into a bad part of town. Orlando isn’t exactly the safest city around, especially for a young girl like you. How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

                “Sixteen,” she said slowly.

                I could’ve sworn mom’s eyes were about to pop out of her head. “Sixteen?!” she exclaimed. “And you’re out by yourself at night?!”

                “It’s really no big deal-“

                “Yes it is, honey! Especially if you don’t even know where you’re going! Tell you what, why don’t you call your parents and let them know where you’re at, and then spend the night here tonight? Our guest bedroom is free. I can help you find your friend’s address and you can get a fresh start first thing in the morning.”

                “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to do that. Really, I’ll be fine. I can get a hotel or something-“

                “Nonsense dear, they wouldn’t even let you if you tried. You’re a minor. Would you like me to speak to your parents? I don’t mind calling them-“

                “No!” The girl’s response was rapid and sudden, her shoulder’s suddenly tense. “I-I’m sure they’ll be fine with it. I’ll let them know. Thank you, Mrs.-“ Her voice trailed off uncertainly.

                “McDonough, but you can call me Joan, sweetie. And you are?”

                “Lex. Alexa McKormack, but I go by Lex.”

A/N: Chapter one so far! I started writing this a long time ago and kept the original for the first part of this chapter, so excuse any mistakes! Please vote/comment/fan! It would mean a lot :) Thanks!

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