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(Scott's P.O.V.) 

I ran. I can't believe I just let that stupid cheerleader bully Y/N. "Where the hell is she?" I frantically asked myself. 

School garden? No.

Restroom? No. 

Classroom? Where is she?!


The image of Y/N  came back in to my mind. She was definitely in the verge of tears, and I just stood in icy shock, watching her get picked on. What is wrong with me?! Mitch and Kirstie already took care of Kaylie. 

Stupid feelings, stupid shyness, stupid me blushing so easily. Why didn't I just talk to her?! I got so flustered during Literature class when Mrs. Will said that Y/N was staring at me? Wait- was that true? No, I don't think so. Maybe she got lost in a trance and stared at my seat instead. Yeah, that's right. There's no way she's ever gonna look at me the way that I look at her. I'm just a nerd who likes Science, Math, and Music. Y/N... she's- she's waaaay up there, so good in everything she does. I'm out of her league.

I turned to my left, still trying to find her. The thought made me sad, making me lose my focus on my direction. I turned to my right and instead of going forward, my giant messy body slammed straight in to a wall. "OUCH! Damn it!" I shook my head. Instinctively, I touched my nose to see if it wasn't broken. "Oh, thank God. I have to find Y/N."

Taking a few more turns and bumps from other people, I happened to pass by the library. I abruptly stop, make a couple of steps back, and examine the most quiet section of the school. I pushed the door, ever so slowly walking in to the room. Y/N loved going here. She would often read here after classes. Sometimes, I would see her rearranging the books on the bookshelves herself. 

"Focus." I whispered to myself.

"Hello?" I called out. Silence. I tried once more, "Uh- Y/N?" Just then, a voice responded "I- I-uh... Yes?" And there she was. Y/N appeared from behind the bookshelves, her eyes bloodshot red from crying. "S-Scott?" I tried to approach her, but I instead froze in my place like a freaking idiot- AGAIN. Y/N turned, waving her hand at me. "Please, go away. I don't want you to see me like this." I took a deep breathe. There's no way in hell I'm gonna leave her alone this time. I walked towards her, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the tears and bits of yogurt that was dripping down her face. "Wh- what are you doing?" Y/N asked. "I'm so sorry Kaylie did that to you. I- I- should've done something." I stuttered. I tried not to collapse in front of her while I stared at her beautiful E/C eyes. 

"I- I'm sorry Scott! I- I can't. Please. I have to go." To my surprise, Y/N suddenly pushed me. i didn't know what to do except to look at her in shock. And then in a millisecond, she turned and bolted for the door. 

Did I do something wrong?

 I slumped on one of the bookshelves and sighed. 

*Time skip* (Brought to you by djooo)

Good job. God decided to match my depressing mood by making it rain. "Mitch and I are gonna get some food. Let's go?" I shook my head, apparently I also didn't have an appetite. Especially after what had happened at lunch break. "I think I'll pass. I have to go home. See you guys." I managed a smile before I spun around and started to walk home. Placing my earphones and pulling my hoodie, I thought about Y/N.

Is she uncomfortable around me?

My mind shifted to a scene at the school garden.

Wednesday at the School Garden. I could see her from a distance not too far from where I sat. I whipped out my notebook and pen to pretend that I was working on some homework, when I was actually observing her. Y/N is pretty alright. Everything was all sunshine and rainbows when she laughed. Her eyes, God, those eyes. I wish i could stare at them for long. Her hair was flowing like the river, and she had always smelled like cinnamon. Why do I like this woman? I don't know either. 

I don't like her- I love her. I loved Y/N since 3rd grade. Heck, I even know little facts about her. She's Y/N L/N. But sometimes she is called Y/N. Her favorite color is F/C and she loves to listen to F/B (Favorite Band). Why do I know all these stuff? I also do not know. Wait- wait- oh my gosh, here she comes. Y/N is coming towards me! What do I do? Scott, calm down. okay do not panic. Should I say hi? Or should I just act cool? What do I say? 

"Hi-" Oh. She just passed by. Damn it, Scott! Your voice was too pathetic. Hmmm, she smells like Cotton Candy this time.

I shrugged off from my trance when I realized I had already reached my house. Opening the door, I was welcomed by the sight of my family. "Hi mum. Hi dad." I greeted as I hugged them. Mum eyed me, an eyebrow raised. "Now what happened to you? Go upstairs and change your clothes, I don't want you to catch a cold sweetie." I smiled and did  what she had instructed. After changing in to a pair of boxer shorts and green tee shirt, I lay on my bed, feeling as exhausted as ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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