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{ Y/N's P.O.V. }

I stared at the tall blonde guy sitting in front of me. I wasn't paying attention to class, as if I'm even planning to. He's just- so gentle, and warm. The popular guy I have a crush on since elementary. 

Scott Hoying.

Today, he wore the red checkered polo and black jeans. His hair was combed upward, the way he always does it. Black, rounded shaped eye glasses adorned his blue eyes. An elbow was propped up on his desk, his jaw leaned against his fist.

Look, I don't even know why I liked this guy.

Is it the clumpy way he walks? Or the lovely way he talks? Or the blueness, warmness, loveliness of his eyes? Wait- I'm starting to sound like the Fixer Upper song from Frozen. Just to be fair, fuck that song. It's been on my head for months.

But why do I like him so much? I still don't know. 

He's not exactly the perfect, princely type. Okay, who am I kidding? He's that perfect, princely type. I mean, Scott is a singer. 

He's not athletic. He's not a fighter. He's a nerd. Music nerd to be exact. He's-

"Ms. L/N!"

... Oh no. Mrs. Will. "Will you please stop staring at Mr. Hoying's back?!" I could hear everyone snickering as I lowered my head in shame. Shit. I took one glance at Scott, and he was still facing front, not bothering to look behind. Was he embarrassed? If things could get any worse, this was probably it. Mrs. Will, now both of her brows furrowed, crossed her arms on her chest. "Would you kindly stand up and answer the question Ms. L/N? Or would you rather stare at Mr. Hoying's back the whole day?"

More snickering.

And yes, I would rather stare at him all day.

I stood up. She cleared her throat. That teacher could be a terror sometimes. "Ms. L/N, who conveyed the line: 'I dare do all that may become a man; who dares more is none.'?" It was my turn to breathe, "Easy. Macbeth." 

My dad used to read Shakespeare's plays to me when I was a little kid. He would come home from his business trip with a new book. When I turned 7, he died from a Cardiac Arrest. My mom was never the same since then.

Mrs. Will fumed and told me to sit down. I spent the rest of the class hours doodling and trying not to get caught while staring at Scott. 

*Time Skip* (Brought to you by Scomiche donut kiss.)

"You really got Mrs. Will there, Y/N." Emily beamed at me. We had been best friends since 5th grade, and most people say that we were like sisters. Yeah, sisters, sure. As long as I'm the prettier one. "She thinks I'm stupid. Well, it's nice to prove her wrong." Everyone in the cafeteria seemed to be having their own worlds. There were a group of cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, emos; basically like the high school cliche that you see in movies. Despite all the commotion, my eyes landed on a certain table with three people, and one of them was Scott. At that moment, our eyes met, and it felt like heaven, up until he turned to look at Kirstie and Mitch. "Are they dating?" Emily asked, trying to find a table for us. "Kirstie and Scott?" I said. "No. I was talking about Mitch and Scott." I raised an eyebrow, "What? No way, I don't think so." (Cue the screaming fits of Scomiche fans. They are dating! I'm sorry! I'm a fan myself, but let's disregard that ONLY for this fanfic. *Runs away*) 

Just so at that moment, a flying cup smashed on my face, leaving Strawberry flavored yogurt all over me. The crowd went silent, then roared in laughter. I was still in a state of shock to respond, even Emily stood there in silent as well. A girl in short tight peach skirt and pink tank top approached me, a huge grin was plastered on her face caked in 3 layers of make up. "Serves you right, you creep." Kaylie Herold menacingly proclaimed. 

Everyone is laughing. I turned to Scott and saw him just staring at me, doing nothing. That made my heart swell the most. I gritted my teeth "I'm not the one who undergoes lip injections."


"Bitch!" Kaylie practically screamed at my face. I dropped my tray of food, making a loud clang on the now quiet cafeteria and shot to the exit. I ran aimlessly, tears welling up in my eyes. My mind went back on Scott, just looking at me. I imagine that he was now probably laughing with the others. 


I stopped at the library. No one was there. It was always empty like that. I opened the door and went inside, whereas it was calmly quiet and cold. I slumped at the nearby bookshelf, tears now streaming down on my cheeks.


Not going to be a one-shot. Definitely. Just finished this today. School's gonna start soon so...

FALLING {Scott Hoying x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now