House of Horror

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Thinking of what else I could write down for my English homework, I couldn't find inspiration. We had to write a short story in 100 words for some competition our English teacher wants to sign up the best stories in, yet I hardly had anything down. And it's due in tomorrow.

Tapping my pen onto my notebook for some time, I couldn't figure out what to write about. And then I got a look of annoyance off Cora; basically telling me to stop tapping my pen. So, I dropped the pen and instead grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I felt bad for annoying her, but I tap things when I get nervous. Or I try to do something to help me cope with my nerves.

Hoping to find at least some inspiration from somewhere on the Internet, I don't. I sigh and roll my eyes at the phone, and then at the notebook. I was infuriated with myself for not doing this homework beforehand and for not being able to think of an idea of what to write about.

"What's up?" Cora asks, after a few moments of silence. I had been staring at my notebook for some time: wishing that something would just write itself onto the page.

"I can't think of what to write about for the English homework." I tell her and she gets up from her bed, grabbing a piece of paper from her bedside table and walking up to me.

"Here, read this." she says and I take it from her reading through her homework.

After finishing I looked up at her, "Cora, this is amazing." I compliment her short story. But, I was slightly jealous of how she managed to write such a great story. I loved how she made Alice in Wonderland into something sinister and creepy – she's so creative.

"Thank you," she pauses and then continues, "but why don't you do something like that?" she questions me. I raise my eyebrows, confused at what she meant.

"What I mean is: why don't you turn a fairy tale story into something... horrible? Like the Grimm's Fairy Tales." she informs me and I nod slowly, trying to think of what I could do.

"That's where I got my inventiveness from." she tells me and I nod.

"That's an awesome idea. Thanks." I reply and she goes back to her bed, grinning at herself, whilst I look up some of these 'Grimm's Fairy Tales' to figure out which one to do and how I could create it in 100 words.

After researching, planning and writing, I had finally finished and I grinned at myself, proud that I managed to do it in the end (and with some help from Cora too). I placed it into my bag and moved the rest of my homework from my bed. The rest didn't need to be in until next week, so I had plenty of time to do them. Plus, it was getting late and it was almost time for supper. I can do the rest of my homework later in the week or something.

Going downstairs, I sat down at the table next to Cora. She had helped Oliver with the supper, because it was supposed to be Harry helping him as he's still on everybody's chore duty. (But, I'm not complaining; I haven't had to do chores the whole time I've been here. Which is great). Yet, he's not here. He'll probably show up though, he's been late to supper plenty of times before. Which has vexed Oliver, but he has let it slide and has covered for him many times. Although, I'm not so sure why...

"Did you finish it in the end?" Cora asks me, leaning over to grab the orange juice. I nodded, taking a bite of the pasta: it was delicious. She grins at me and pours some orange juice from the jug into her glass.

House of Anubis [h.styles]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz