1. My Life is a Wrecking ball

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I woke up with water droplets all over my face and pillows. What the fuck? who the hell poured water on me? I'm going to bloody murder the damn person. And then, realization hits me like a hurricane.

Well, I cannot kill myself. Can I? If I do, who's going to run the bakery and take care of my grandparents? My face and pillows are wet not because someone poured damn water but my tears just drenched my pillow.

Isn't it crazy how every night I had to go through 76 emotions, fight my battles, cry until my throat is dry and every morning, I wake up with hope that's still left in me.

My luck will change one day. Sure, it will. But, am I waiting for a prince charming to come and change it? To come and save me? You've assumed it wrong. I'm struggling on my own and in the end, I will be the one to save myself but, from what? is the only question left to be answered.

I quickly showered and covered my dark circles with some concealer. To say that it became a part of my life is inevitable. I spend more money on concealer than on my food. Know what that means? That's right. I cry myself to sleep every night which conveys that I never get enough sleep. But, who am I suppose to blame about my situation? No one. Because, there's literally no one in my life who would take part of the blame, no one to really show support or care. In fact, I'm the one who's supposed to take care of my grandparents –Frank and Ruth.

"Good morning. I'm already running late so, I'll see you in the evening. Grandpa, please take medicine and get some rest" I greeted my grandparents and made my way out.

To add more misery to my life, God has blessed a heart disease to my grandfather. Sorry, did I say blessed? Apparently, I did and you're supposed to sense the sarcasm.

I'm running a bakery which is actually owned by my dad. Yes, the very same person who made my life a living hell and left when I was at age eight. Are you thinking about my mom? Don't. It's not even worth your precious time. Because, she never really cared about my existence. She married someone else and pretended that she didn't even give birth to me. I highly doubt that statement otherwise. So, I lived with my grandparents.

" We'll have to load materials for baking. There's no proper stock in the kitchen" exclaimed Mary as I entered the bakery. Great! If I have to spend my savings on the supplies then definitely I'll get in to shape because I should eat air for a few days. Know what I'm saying? Yeah, I should be starving. I guess I can survive on liquids. Correction, only liquid as I can afford water.

"It's okay. We'll buy limited stock and try to get some good offers" Susan tried to comfort me. It's obvious that she noticed my despairing face. I suck at hiding emotions. But, hey! That's supposed to be a top secret.

"Lets get the work done" I replied and asked Mary to make calls to refill the stock. Hopefully, we should get a contract to supply cakes, rolls or even cookies so that we could survive for few days. Well, a human can hope right?

I always believed in this saying: "Life starts and ends with HOPE".

I'm a girl with no parents, no proper education or job, no one to love, heck! I'm a girl with no last name but, I'm a girl with full of hope filled in my heart and I think that's enough to survive any storm.

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Note: Most of the chapters in this book will be in Miley's point of view and if I feel like writing a chapter in Liam's pov, I'll do it occasionally. So, if I don't mention any pov in the beginning of the chapter you should get the point. You'll right? ;)

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