The Road

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Cam's POV

Yasmyn hasn't answered me since I sent her the cheesiest, truest thing I've ever said to her. Was it too cheesy for her? Goddammit, it probably was, now she probably hates me.

My head was in my hands, and I was just staring at my phone, messages from Pat lighting the screen, asking what Yas and I had a fight over this time. Hey, she couldv'e told him what she told me, then shit will have defiantly hit the fan. He's her cousin, might as well be brother. If I hurt her, I die.

Instead of answering my phone, which will probably result in Pat murdering me later on for NOT answering, I got u from the couch, grabbed my keys, and went to the only person I know for a damn fact would try and make sense of this.

My sister Annie.

Yasmyn's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon, what a glorious smell to wake up too (I'm not being sarcastic, bacon is a beautiful thing). I groaned and picked up my phone, messages from Pat and Cam lighting the screen. I sighed, pulling myself up and out of bed, making my way downstairs. I passed a mirror on my way down, I looked like shit. Maybe it was because I was up half the night either throwing up or peeing. Wonderful.

The hardwood floor was cold on my feet, and outside, it was pouring out. Well, there goes my plan of going to the swings today.

"There are my my babies." My mother cooed, a wide smile on her face as she placed a placed with what looked like a double serving of breakfast. I looked at her with wide eyes, which for some reason, made her laugh.

"Yasmyn, I've been pregnant before, you're eating for two, not one anymore. You'll thank me later." She explained, myself nodding slowly, unconvinced still.

I ate my breakfast slowly, my attention often being caught by the constant vibrating from Pat, not Cam, which surprised me a lot, actually. By the time I had finished eating my breakfast (mom was right, I must've gained the appetite since being pregnant, and I just never noticed), I had had enough of Pat's texting, dialing his number and running upstairs to my room, putting it on speaker as I searched for my clothes that I flung somewhere last night upon going to bed. The line rung a few time before Pat pook up.

"What?" He barked into the phone, myself letting out a slight chuckle.

"Whoa there, grumpy Gus, you're the one who keeps texting me."

"Yeah, well, I was busy."

"If Ginette's there, tell her I said hi. Get your lazy asses out of bed and go out, Jesus, Pat. You only see her how often, and you want to spend it in bed?" I explained, finding my t-shirt and throwing it on. I was still on the search for my jeans.

"Who did you-"

"I heard her giggle when you pook up the phone, I also heard you telling her to be quiet."

"Hi Yasmyn!" Ginette's voice echoed through the phone. I smiled, because i found my jeans.

"Hey Ginny!"

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm alright, you?"

"Oh, just peachy!" She laughed, and from the sounds of it, kissed Pat right after.

"So, what's up with you and Cam?" Well then, Pat, Mr. Let's Get Right Down To Business Gillett.

Cam's POV

"Fuck, Annie, open the door." I muttered. I texted her when I was leaving Toronto that I was going to show up in two hours to talk, but her car wasn't in the driveway, and she wasn't answering. I honestly just though that maybe her boyfriend, Dylan, took the car for work but then I remembered; he owns a huge ass truck.

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