No Way

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Yasmyn's POV

"Cam, Cam! Ca- No!" I sighed loudly, throwing my hands up in the air in defeat. Today I had the sudden urge to rearrange the living room furniture while Cam was in the studio with the guys again. When he got home, the living room was a mess, and I was asleep on the couch. "Not there, but it over there!" I pointed to the corner. Cam looked at me.

"Yasmyn, that was where we originally had everything." He stated. I stared at him before shrugging my shoulders. "Let's put everything back to where it was before."

"Dammit, woman." He muttered. We moved all the furniture back to it original state, and I flopped onto the couch, my head on the arm rest. Cam chuckled. "What is up with you lately, babe?"

I bit my lip. I didn't want to tell him, not yet. I shrugged. "I don't know, really." I lied.

Cam shook his head and sat down by my feet, which, by the way, we freezing cold, and turned on the tv. I smiled, switching from the arm rest to Cameron's lap instead. Much comfier. I put my head on my stomach, you couldn't tell I was pregnant, but I could feel the slight, extrememly tiny, bump starting to form. It made me smile, but at the same time, it made me extremely nervous.

"You're smiling."

"Shut up. When am I not?"

"When you're sad, upset, pissed off, not feeling good." Cam made a list, myself punching his leg. "Shut up you little shit."

"No, I won't shut up, because I'm not a little shit." He laughed, lightly punching my shoulder. I punched his arm back, and so the punching of each others arm began. We couldn't stop laughing. Cam tried to put me in a headlock, but I bit his arm. He let go and I took the opportunity and ran into my old room, locking the door behind me and trying to his from Cameron.

"Ok, you're the little shit now, Yasmyn!" Cam yelled from the living room, banging on the door clearly looking for me. I tried my best not to laugh, hiding under my bed. Then I realized, I never actually locked my door, but that wasn't until the door opened slowly, and I felt like the girl in Taken. I covered my mouth as cussed because he hit his knee on my old dresser, trying not to laugh. But I failed, miserably, may I add.

Cam grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me out from under the bed, lifting me up onto my bed and tickling my sides.I kicked my feet, trying to get him off, but you know, that didn't work. I think the only advantage he had on me was height, and I'm sure he wasn't pregnant.

"C-C-Cam, s-s-top it!" I said through fits of laughter.

"And I thought I had a stutter." He laughed, falling next to me and grabbing me by the waist, pulling me close to him and kissing my forehead. I smiled and looked at him. Should I tell him now? No, no don't. Maybe just...

"Hey, Yas?"

"Oui?" I answered in French, absentmindedly, causing us both to laugh. I came from a fluent-speaking French family, but yet, I almost near failed my French final in grade twelve.

"I love you." He smiled, still laughing. I smiled back, kissing his lips.

"I love you, too, Cam."


"Cameron, for the love of fucking god, just stop." I snapped, hastily pushing a piece of hair out of my face. I woke up in an extremely pissed off mood this morning, and Cam acting like an idiot did not help at all. He threw his hands up in the air in defeat.

"What the hell did I do?!"

"Just, stop!" I repeated. To be completely honest, I don't know why I was so pissed this morning, but if I suddenly stop being pissed, Cam is going to be pissed because I was pissed for now reason, and everything is just going to go downhill from there.

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