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Yasmyn's POV

 It was getting late, and I was still at the hospital. I had so many questions for Gladis that I would never get the answers to, which sucked. Like, why did my father feel like he wasn't good enough for Heather and I? Should I Really forgive my number? I mean, she even had her number for me to contact her. I shook my head; so many questions, but I couldn't think properly because of my stomach growling. And I had to go pee.

Finally, I got myself up and out of the uncomfortable waiting chairs, my ass hurt from sitting on it literally all day. I got here at eleven-thirty, and it was now six-thirty. Ok, maybe I didn't sit on my ass all day, I talked to the nurses about me being pregnant and booking an ultra sound soon, and the do's and don'ts of a first time pregnancy.

Walking into the elevator, I hit the button for the main floor, pushing the pieces that fell out of my bun behind my ear, the floors lighting up and people getting in. At the moment, I just wanted to be alone. I didn't want anyone to disturb me, but I had to go home. I promised Cam I'd be back later, and well, it is later. He probably asked Chans if I was there, and she of course would say no, and then he would freak out, texting me a million times until he realized I didn't grab my phone on the fay out. At the time I was pissed and tired for no reason. Ok, maybe being pregnant was a reason.

The elevator dinged and I got out, walking out and slowly making my way outside, to the bus stop, where I waited long enough to the point I was going to either walk of hail a taxi, but since I only had twenty dollars on me, and we lived on the other side of Toronto, I waited until the bus came. It may be longer, but it was cheaper. 

After almost forty-five minutes of waiting, a bus finally pulled up. I walked up the steps of the public transit and payed about three bucks, taking my seat. I rested my head against the window and watched the city lights of Toronto pass by in soften blurs. On the outside, I looked fine, tired maybe, but fine. But on the inside, I was a complete and total mess. I was worrying about the baby, for whatever reasons, and then I was trying to process the fact that I had just lost my grandmother, who I had no idea existed or even the slightest remembered until, what, two and a half months ago? Ugh.

The bus ride was long, but it gave me time to think, and by the time the bus got to my stop, my mind was made up. I had to tell Cam about the baby, it's not fair to him, or the baby. He deserves to know.

Stepping off the bus, I hugged myself tight. It was a little chilly, especially since it was now almost ten o'clock, and you know, I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't tell Cam I was going to be late, because later doesn't mean almost twelve hours later. He was going to murder me later.

I walked up the stairs of our apartment, trying to figure out what to say to Cam to explain what happened, and how my plans changed so quick. I walked up to our apartment door, knocking on it lightly and waiting until the familiar sound the unlocking of the door, but instead of being greeted with a happy Cam, I was met with worried eyes, wild hair, and a upset expression on his face.

"Yasmyn, where have you been?!" I questioned, taking my hand and pulling me into the apartment. I raised an eyebrow.


"Because I texted Chansonette and asked her if you got there safely, and she said she had no idea what I was talking about! Then I texted you, and you wouldn't answer anything! I thought something happened to you!" He threw his hands up in the air.

"Cameron," I started, "I didn't have my phone with me all day."

He scoffed. "That's what I thought I first, so I looked around to see if you did and I couldn't find it."

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