Out of nowhere, as the episode reached its end and the haunting closing credit music faded into the commercial break, John had a fleeting thought: the only way Paul could be even more attractive, was if he'd speak in David's heavy Glaswegian dialect. Was there anything sexier than that? Well... That exaggerated Scouse accent he'd adopted in that video wasn't half bad either. Speaking of which... "How is that not teaching? What's the difference?"

"Well," Paul started, wondering why John made such a big deal of it, "Guitar lessons are for people who can't play well enough yet. Song tutorials are for those who can. Erm... Think of it as Cards Against Humanity. Teaching is the base game, that's what you need to play. Song tutorials are the booster packs. They're nice to have and they make the game more interesting, but you don't need them."

"Wait, you've got Cards Against Humanity?"

Grinning, Paul shook his head. John could be such a scatterbrain sometimes. "No, Mike does. But anyway, do you see what I'm saying? Showing how to do a song is one thing. If they get it wrong, it's not a big deal; they'll pick another one or try some other time. But if people learn guitar the wrong way, you know, bad technique, or poor posture, or skipping over the difficult bits, then they won't even get to the point of playing songs."

John let that sink in for a moment. He supposed Paul had a point, he just wasn't sure he agreed. The way he saw it, people watched those videos because they didn't know a song. Afterwards, they did. Assuming they knew how to play at all. But maybe that was what Paul meant anyway, that you had to be taught first. "Fair enough. Could you teach me?"

"What, songs?"

"No, guitar. I mean I can play, right, I'm not a complete idiot or anything. I just never got 'round to really getting beyond the basic chords, and I can only play some simple songs. So it's both, I guess." He turned far enough to see Paul's face. "I will be expecting a discount, though. Being your boyfriend and all."

Boyfriend.... Paul had to let that one stew for a bit. Until then, he hadn't even stopped to think about that. On one level, it sounded a bit alien after several years of being mostly single, save for those times when he'd had a girlfriend. He supposed John was right to use the word, though, considering the amount of time they'd spent together, the way they had already reached that stage of being comfortable with each other, and the fact that there was going to be sex in the immediate future. Smiling, he met John halfway for a kiss and gave him a loving squeeze. "I might be open to persuasion. Got any ideas as to your bargaining strategy?"

"Several," John cackled, wiggling his eyebrows before settling back in the embrace for a bit, content to stay there for a little while longer. He enjoyed sitting like that, cuddled up against the slightly taller man, whose arms were wrapped around him, their weight creating a warm, comfortable cocoon for John to snuggle into. Which he did until the BBC News started and he got bored. As far as John was concerned, there was a time for hugging and a time for more. This was a time for more. Much more. Finishing his train of thought, he crooned, "I could tell you all about it over 'dessert' if you like. I think it's getting about time for that, right?"

Paul chuckled happily at John's sappy come on, and the way he didn't even wait for a reply but just assumed foreplay had started simply because he wanted it to. He couldn't deny having similar thoughts, but he wasn't going to give in without at least teasing John a bit. Ignoring the lovely things they made him feel, Paul pretended not to notice the nudges, kisses and caresses to his neck and ears. He struggled to swallow a throaty groan when John latched onto an earlobe, sending sparks of electricity up and down his spine. "Not now, John. I'm watching the news. Things are happening outside of this room, you know. I want to know what."

"Tell you what," John harrumphed, briefly interrupting his attempts to meet Paul's somewhat cloudy gaze. Who was that tosser trying to fool anyway? Did he really think John couldn't feel - or see, for that matter - how hard Paul was getting just from a few little kisses? "Crap happened. More shite is about to happen. Fuckers were born. Buggers died. Wankers are bombing each other. It'll be pissing rain. There's your news right there." Having finished his report, John moved out of the safety of Paul's arms and started tugging at the hem of his sweater, leaving no room for doubt as to what he had in mind.

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