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"Alright, John. Found it then, have you? Love the specs, very Buddy Holly." How could anyone look that good when they were half drowned? Paul didn't know, but the sight of John sure made him feel all warm and happy inside. From the way his hair stuck to his forehead, to the redness in his cheeks from the cold rain, and the way his soaked clothes hugged his body... It was nearly impossible for Paul to hide how glad he was to see John.

"Cheers. Got them this week, actually. To fit in better at work, right?" Of course, that wasn't the sole reason for getting those particular frames, but what Paul didn't know, couldn't hurt him, so John wisely kept his mouth shut about that.

He's so full of shit, Paul thought affectionately, having caught more than enough of John's expression to know he wasn't being truthful. Besides, in order to have them now, he would've had to have gone to the optometrist's on Monday: before his first shift at Petticoats. He didn't mind, though. Didn't mind in the least that John had been showing such an interest in the things Paul liked. "Right. How was your first week, then? Settling in alright?"

"Just fine. Didn't break any glasses at all," John grinned, mentally patting himself on the back for getting away with the little lie about the glasses. "Vic reckons I'm a keeper. So, can I come in then, or are we watching the films out here?

"Well, since you asked so nicely, be my guest." Paul stepped aside, allowing John to brush past him. He was wearing that chocolate-scented deodorant again, Paul noticed. So far, he hadn't been able to find out what it was. Maybe now would be his chance to adapt some of John's habits too. Realising he was behaving like a lovesick teenager again, Paul mentally shook himself into a more relaxed attitude. After all, they had a long day ahead.

A few things stood out when John shrugged out of his jacket and swept his rain-soaked hair out of his face. Firstly, Paul was holding a guitar in his hand. He hadn't noticed before, what with the door blocking his view. And then there was the decor of the flat... "Why do I get the sense that the nearest IKEA has a plaque with your photo and the words 'customer of the year' hanging somewhere in the shop?"

Paul guffawed loudly, glad to be somewhat back on solid ground. He didn't think he was quite that popular yet, but he sure had spent a lot of money there and regularly popped in for the odd bits and bobs. Well... Maybe popped in was a bit understated, since it was rather out of the way. He basically had one go-to place, and that was it. If they sold whatever he needed, be it candles, knives, or towels, then that's where he went, even if other shops were nearer or cheaper. Mike never ceased to be amazed by Paul's dedication and had at one point given Paul a massive, Swedish flag, which he'd promptly hung on his bedroom wall. "Someone has to keep them from going under, you know."

Laughing, John did a three-sixty in the middle of the small hallway. "Is there anything in here that didn't come from there?"

"I'd have to think about that one. Wanna come in and see the rest, then, or are you planning on standing there and dripping all over my laminate floor?" Without waiting for a reply, Paul turned on his heels, gesticulating casually as he played tour guide in the little flat he called home. "Loo's over there. Upstairs is that way. Not much to see there: two bedrooms, one with a tiny en suite - that's Mike's, and another with a balcony, which is my room. We share the big bathroom, but it's pretty much mine. Not much to see, really. We spend most of our time right here in the sitting room..."

"So Mike technically has two bathrooms?"

"Well yeah, in a way. His is just a sink and a shower, you know. Can't swing a cat in there. The main bathroom has a bathtub and a toilet, so he kind of has to use that too. But he keeps his things in the small one, and he mostly stays out of mine, so I don't mind. Like I said, my room has the balcony, which is quite large and the room is bigger too. Of course, I pay most of the rent so it's only fair..."

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