Episode 2 : Meeting Prince Charming -part 1

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Gann: Hello everyone welcome again to Aidenia14 where you get a sneak peek about my characters and the stories they are in... So today we will be talking to Judy Gunzaliz.. Welcome Judy.

Judy: Hey Gann its good to be here how are you???

Gann: I'm great at this moment.. So lets get down to business. How are you enjoying being in Meeting Prince Charming??

Judy: Its a wonderful experience Gann and working alongside my bestie is a great feeling especially with surprises along the way.

Gann: ok awesome.. Give me two words to describe Aden??

**blushes first** Judy: Well I would say charming and drop dead gorgeous shhh don't tell him I said that..

Gann: Don't worry your secret safe with me.. So which chapter was your favorite??

Judy: I would say chapter 3 because it was epic although I was eavesdropping I heard everything Tracey really did a number on her step sisters it was very entertaining..

Gann: I certainly agree with you... Anyways any exciting news??

Judy: Well I have one but it would ruin the book sorry readers... You'll have to wait it out..

Gann: Well can't wait to know... Anyways how is book two??

Judy: OMG its amazing in this book it has more drama, mystery and other characters popping up out of no where... Its awesome.. If I were you readers I would check it out...

Gann: Ok that's great to know... I want to tell you thanks for taking the time out to be here..

Judy: Your welcome Gann and its great to be here.. Bye Guys..

Gann: That was Judy Gunzaliz everyone... Its nice of you to read this segment... Bye now have a wonderful day...


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