Episode 1 : Why break my heart?? part 2

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*Welcome back to Aidenia14 chatroom today we have Chad Fox,welcome Chad

Hi G-Ann looking beautiful has ever,and thank you for having me on your wonderful show

*Thank you Chad and your welcome so lets get down to business now,first question how was your time in my short story Why Break My Heart??

Well G-Ann it was a short fun adventure and i enjoy the short experience who knows maybe i might come back in one of your stories

*That's good to hear and maybe who knows you may make an appearance in one of my stories are you are going to be in it

I can't wait it's an honour to be in you story G-Ann.

*Thank you Chad. Ok let's move on so who do you enjoy working with in my story?

Well i liked working with everyone but after the story i got a good slap from Kim,damn that girl can hit,and also i got a glare from my girl and she sent a death glare to Amy and the poor girl fainted,but it was so funny .

*Lol....So are you ready to come in my story that's coming up??

Hell to the yes G-Ann i'm so excited.

*OK Chad glad to know that. So any special lady in your life that your female fans should know about??

Yeah,Actually i think she's coming in your new story,and i think that story is going to show how we met,sorry guys but i can't tell you her name ,that would be a give away but you'll all know soon

*Awww....Sorry about that to all those who has a broken heart right now because Chad Fox is off your Bucket list. Anyways i'm so glad to have you in the Chatroom Chad and thanks for coming

It's a pleasure G-Ann and bye guys and i want to send shout out to my wife,love you Babe.

*Well Mrs Fox you are getting lots of love over here from your hubby. Anyways this is another episode of Aidenia14 Chatroom bye guys
I'm out
See ya..

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