Brooke's Pov

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My mind was spinning. My knees turned into jelly when he kissed me. A stranger just... kissed me. I just stood there and he just...

WHAT IS HE DOING?!?! My mind wandered with these thoughts.

He then stopped kissing me and walked in his truck and left.

Not one word more.

I just stood there in shock until I heard Brady calling my name.

I walk to his truck and see the people still there staring. About a few. Nate was there and someone else I don't know.

"Gunner get the trash" Nate comanded. I guess that's his name. Gunner. Wait! The rich Gunner?

"Call my maid!" He says laughing glancing at me.

I look at my feet. I feel the weight of eyes roaming my body. Gunners eyes.

Rumor says that he is really, really rich.

His parents are full time lawyers that make over a millions per year. I also read a book about his great grandfather.

"Ready?" I realized Brady was talking to me.

I nod and walk to his truck. I wait as he climbs into the drivers seat.

He starts the engine and looks back as we start to back out of the parking lot.

I was tired and bleh.

I just stood the whole time like a loser.

Well, I am one.

I sigh I put my boots on the dashboard as we start driving home.

"Sorry, that you didn't have a good time. I'm also sorry that I wasn't with you, but the guys would bother you because well... We are guys."

I shake my head smiling.

He reaches over and clicked on the radio.

Him & I by Halsey/ G- Eazy burst through the speakers causing me to jump.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

I listen to the beat of the song as we drove home.

The stars twinkled brightly tonight making me want to snap a photo.

I close my eyes, thinking about mom.


One word I can't say anymore.

"Your not dead right?!" I open my eyes to see Brady looking a bit worried.

I roll my eyes as I straighten my back.

Soon, we pulled up to the house.

Aunt Jane was on the steps feeding the dogs.

Once she saw the headlights, her head snapped to the truck's direction.

She waves at us.

I wave back of course.

I got out of the truck once it had stopped.

"Do you have fun?" She throws her arms around me.

I nod.

"Was Brady with you?"

I look at Brady before nodding with a smile.

"Good!" She loops her arm with mine. "What shall we have for dinner?"

I still held the smile as we walked inside.

Jane was is such a happy person.

Albert was watching a football game that I was kinda interested into.

Still, looped with Jane, we walked into the kitchen.
I lean across the counter and watched her search the cabinet.

She pulls out Chicken Alfredo mix.

I smile.

I love it so much.

"This?" She shakes the box. "Yesss!!"

"You sound like a snake, hon!" Albert yelled.

She rolls her eyes.

"Your ruining the fun!"

He scoffs.

"Who said you were ever funny?!"

"That man!" She says shaking her head. "Honey, you should go upstairs and unpack."

I nod as I drag my feet up the stairs.

I close the oak wood door behind me just as I hear laughter from down stairs.

Brady's friends.

"Is this her room?" I heard a whisper.

"Yes, now go downstairs, I'll be right up..." There was a knock.

I turn around and open my door. 

"I wanted to say thanks for saying that I was with you at the party." Brady scratches the back of his head and looks at his feet. "Ma would kick my @ss if I wasn't with you."

I smile and shake my head awkwardly.

"Thanks again..." He closes the door. His footsteps fade out until I hear his door close. They were playing Madden 18. Yes, I have played it.

I mean who wouldn't?

I walk into my own personal bathroom and place my towel on the rack.

I don't know what kind of theme I want for my room. Paris? Music? Purple polka dots?

I walk into my room and open my suitcase. My clothes were folded perfectly so this wouldn't be a challenge. But the only the sorting part.

I opened the top dresser and place my undergarments in it.

I look at my lace one's and toss them aside. I probably wasn't going to wear those anyways.

I put my shirts in the second drawer and pants in the third. Yeah, you get it.

I stand up after sitting there for about five minutes.

I was done with that.

Picking up my lace undergarments, I place them in my top drawer.

'Why do I have so many?' I wonder to myself.

Blame my friend because 'guys like that.' Exact quote from Jess.

I stretch my muscles out and walk into my bathroom.

I guess I will take a shower.


(A|N:  Long time, no see.

I may delete this book.

Before you freak out I need to let you know that I am working on my newest book, White.

Out   !!!!!!!!!

I might, maybe, idk, put this book on hold.

That means it will have slow updates but keep hitting the vote and comments up like a rock star!!!



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