Brooke's Pov

48 7 3

--★Songs for this chapter - Valentine Train
Midnight city - M83
Maps - Maroon 5★--

The ride to Texas was long and humid. The bus had a smell that stung my nose.

The seat sank back, like it was ready to die. "Lucky for me", it was the only seat available at the time and the lady wouldn't let me change my seat when the bus stopped at stations. I decided to sleep until my stop. No way. To far. Iowa to Texas. Phew, those miles. What am I thinking?

Sooner or later, I slept. To tired to hold my heavy eyelids. Next thing I know was tapping on my shoulder.

"This is your stop, sweetie." A older lady with little wrinkles under her eyes, said. She had pink lips curved perfectly into a smile.

I nod and grab my suitcase on the rack above my head, careful not to drop it and expose what's inside.

I wave to my aunt and uncle as I see them at the bus station.

"Brooke." My uncle gave me a simple nod. He knows that I am mute.

Next thing I know, my aunt throws her arms around me.
"BROOKE! MY DEAR!" Her lips curved in a smile, that I haven't saw in three years.

"So lets go home, shall we?" My uncle was grinning from ear to ear.

I smile like I'm saying, 'yes'

Uncle Albert, grabbed my suitcases and dragged them to their own 2018 Lexus.

'Damn!' I thought to myself.

I watch as Aunt Jane opened the back seat door. I slip inside and take one glance at the seats; Tan leather.

'Becareful Brooke!'

I hear my aunt and uncle excitly chat about me meeting Brady, my cousin.

Soon enough, Albert and Jane find their self in a seat. Albert driving.
I watched trees go by as he was driving. Jane, chatted about events and all types of things on her mind until she ran out of things to say.

Albert pulled in a driveway, after ten minutes of driving. Two guys my age, 17, tossed a football.

"Brady! She's here!" Jane shouts as soon as she opens the trunk handing Albert my suitcases.

I adjusted my cowgirl boots and my spaghetti strapped flower dress.

The boys jogged towards us.

"Hey, um... what's your name?" A brown haired boy asked with a frown of confusion.

Must be Brady.

"Brooke." Albert firmly said as he sat the suitcase at his feet to close the trunk.

"Oh, sorry. It's been awhile."

I nod and grab my notepad that I had with me the whole ride in Texas.

I write, 'I know right! 10 years. Sorry to say but who is that with you?'

"Oh, this is my buddy, Nate." He points at the mixed kid next to him.
I smile and wave. He was kinda cute. I heard that Brady was popular at his school according to Jane's long story on the way here, also Nate.

I click on my phone. 5:38 pm.

"I suppose we should show Brooke to her room." Albert picks up my suitcase as I pick up the other. I follow Brady to his old room.

"Hope you enjoy my room. I got the attic." His voice was sharp. I frowned.

He chuckled as Albert and Nate walk behind us.

"Brady?!" Albert mutters.

"I just said to enjoy." He left with Nate down the hall. I hear footsteps going downstairs.
I finally take a long look at my new room. Light purple walls with dark and light purple bedspread.

I smile as uncle closes the door leaving me to enjoy, like Brady said, the room. I flop on the bed and sighed.

What is more worse than a long day.

I missed mother terribly.

The thought of her made bile rise in my throat.

Ever since the day I lost her, I have never slipped a word out of my mouth.

Everyday I begged to see her perfected face, sculpted by the god of beauty. I got that from her.

I laugh to myself just thinking that.

I turn on my phone. It was about six.

I sink into the soft mattress.

Then I hear a knock on my door. I sit up as Brady walks in.

"Sorry to intrude your room but I want to ask you something."

I gesture for him to continue.

"Mom is forcing me to do this so, do you want to come to my football game."

I smile. Almost saying yes, I nod quickly.

"You have a nice smile, you should try using it more often."

I shrug as I stand.

Nate steps into my doorway.

"Nate what did I tell you?"

He lifts his hands in surrender.

"Sorry bro!" He backs away until he is out of sight.

"So, why did you come down here?"

They must of not told him. He must of saw my confused expression because he says, "I mean you don't halfta tell me- er, I mean write it down."

I give him a small smile before he smiled back and turned to leave.

"Oh, I'll try my best to show you around on Monday at school."

I smile bigger.

"You should unpack."

I nod before he leaves.


A lot of you wanted me to update so here you go.

I was about to delete this book but a handful of you guys wanted to update, so ya...😉

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