A Different Kind of Adventure

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I got to set ten minutes early, in my costume and make-up. I smiled brightly at everyone and waited by the stage for David. The director, Carl, came up to me.

"Veronica. This morning, one of the Daleks was in the TARDIS set, and I know it didn't get there on its own. Do you know anything?" He asked and my eyes widened. I never put the Dalek back. I brushed it off though. Well, tried to.

"Really? Wow, that's, um, odd. Maybe someone from the cast came in here last night and decided to go over lines?" I suggested and Carl looked at me.

"Yes, of course. That's probably what happened." As he walked away, I could tell that he knew I had been on set last night. Oops.

David walked in then, and after saying hi to the crew, he looked at me knowingly with a smirk. I looked away then sighed. "What are we doing today?" I asked and Carl thought for a second before announcing anything. "Just Veronica and Lulu right now. The scene directly after The Doctor throws her out of the TARDIS. Do you have your script?" He said and I nodded before running on stage, ready, and so did Lulu.

I sighed as I watched the TARDIS fade away. I had really messed up. I had just threw away the only thing keeping me from my dull life.

I realized he had dropped me off right in my house. I walked to my bedroom and sat on the bed, looking around aimlessly. Without the time travel, I was alone.

"Mum, dad?" I asked to the house which was quiet. After no answer I ran down to their bedroom, empty. I closed my eyes for a second then ran outside. "Rachel!" I remembered my best friend and ran next door. I practically assaulted the door bell.

She soon came out and I looked at her. "Rachel! Where are my parents?" I asked and she looked at me sadly. "No, not possible." I said and she pulled me in for a hug.

I sighed. "How- how did they die?" I asked and she frowned. "I don't know. One day I was over for tea and they just, dropped."

I looked at the sky for a minute, as if waiting for them to come floating down from heaven. One small tear started to form, but I ignored it and ran back to my house, locking the door, and bursting into tears on the couch. Eventually I looked up.

"Please, Doctor, come back." I pleaded.

"CUT! Perfect!" Carl said and me and Lulu smiled. We walked off stage, where he praised us. "That was perfect. Just perfect. I could hear the desperation in Leanne's voice. And Lulu, you pulled of being a best friend amazingly. You guys deserve Oscars or something." He said and we laughed.

"Thanks." Me and Lulu said in unison, which led to another fit of laughing.  Carl rolled his eyes. "Take ten, then back for the next scene. David, this will be when you come back to get Leanne back in the TARDIS." He said, so we left. Everyone went to their trailer, but I followed David.

He had been very mysterious lately. He would go to his trailer to grab a drink, and come out twenty minutes later, with messed up hair. It made me uneasy, something wasn't right. Did he have a meth lab? No, he isn't a junkie. Maybe he's sleeping with a girl? No, he doesn't hook up.

Anyways, I snuck up to the window of his trailer and peeked in...shit! I think he saw me. I will have to come tonight. Cool with me.


Midnight. I was wearing my jeans and a t-shirt, with a leather jacket. He couldn't see me, or hear me. I snuck out of my trailer and went to his. I listened, quiet. I knew for a fact that his door didn't squeak. I carefully opened it and snuck in. I felt odd in a way, like I shouldn't do this, but my curiosity was overwhelming. I slipped through the trailer until I found a small room off to the side. A glowing light was coming from it. What the heck?

The Doctor Is RealOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora