Isabelle Lightwood - "How is my wife more badass than me?"

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"Isabelle..." You touched her sweating forehead with the back of your hand. "Who did this to you?" You didn't doubt that this was not her own fault. You didn't doubt that Isabelle had not been the one discovering the power of vampire venom on her own.

"I just wanted to do this mission..." Isabelle could barely talk. Her chest moved up and down, but she still seemed to be constantly out of breath. "I thought it wouldn't be that bad." She leaned back and her clothes were glued to her trembling body.

"Why didn't you tell me anything, Isabelle? Why didn't you ask me for help?" You spoke softly and once again you dipped the cloth into the cold water before you pressed it to her forehead. "You do know that we have far better things that you Shadowhunters have." You winked and curled your lips up into a smile, but where your sense of humor normally made Isabelle laugh it now had little to no effect on her.

"I was only going to use it once..." She was avoiding your glance, as if she was too ashamed to look at you even though you loved her more than anyone else in the world loved her. "I didn't know it would end like this." Of course she had thought that she was much stronger than the addicting effect of the venom. "I was stupid."

"No, Isabelle." You interrupted her as quickly as you could and your hand stroke her hair. "You are not stupid. You just wanted to show the world how strong you are." You paused for a moment and licked your dry lips. "You are strong, Isabelle. You are so much stronger than you feel right now. Not that many people have battled an addiction like this one and even less of them have managed to win the fight, but I know that if someone can do it, it's you."

Isabelle curled her lips up into a smile. "It's that I know that you can't lie, else I wouldn't have believed you." She turned to her other side and now she was facing you. Pearls of sweat covered her forehead, her neck, her chest, her arms, her entire body, but despite that she was still breathtaking beautiful.

"Do you know how brave it is to admit that you made a mistake?" You whispered and cocked your head while you watched her. "Do you know how brave it is that you came to me to ask me to help you?" You grinned. "And here I thought that Faeries were way more awesome than Shadowhunters could ever be, but look at you right now." You folded your hands in your lap and bit your lip. "How is my wife more badass than me?"

"I'm not badass." Isabelle sighed and she coughed a few times. "But wait until I've recovered and can hold a sword again." She curled her lips up into a smile and you smiled back at her.

"There is my warrior girl." You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "There is the wonder woman who is going to beat this nasty addiction and who's gonna show the entire world how strong she really is."

Isabelle Lightwood - Shadowhunters Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now