Isabelle Lightwood - "You don't get to pick and choose"

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"Do I want to know how you got that?" Isabelle pointed at your bleeding nose and lip. "Wait, no, I don't think I want to know." She shook her head and took a deep breath. "I'll get something to clean and disinfect the wounds." She turned around and walked towards your bathroom and opened all the small closets to find what she was looking for.

You stared out of the window and let out a deep breath. You didn't even feel the pain in your nose or your lip. You only felt the anger rushing through your veins and the echo of that one thing one of your so called friends had said about Isabelle.

"You don't clean your own wounds that often, do you?" Isabelle came back. She wore a confident smile on her face and she raised her eyebrows while she kneeled down in front of you. "I hope that fresh water will do the trick. You don't have anything else. We need to change that." She dipped the cloth in the warm water in a small bowl and then she pressed it to your lip.

"We're not even together for a few months yet and you're already womanifying my entire house." You hissed between your teeth. The pain you had not felt a few minutes ago, was now triggered by the water and Isabelle's caring fingers.

"Making sure you have something to disinfect your wounds has nothing to do with womanifying." Isabelle stuck her tongue between her lips and once again she dipped the cloth in the water and this time she pressed it to your nose. "It has everything to do with taking care of yourself."

You curled your lips up into a smile. Even though you only knew Isabelle for a few months now, you had already learned that if there was something she was good at, it was taking care of herself. You therefore knew that maybe it was better if you wouldn't tell her that you had been fighting for her so called honor.

Not only would she rightfully call you stupid, she would probably also say that you didn't need to defend her, that she could totally defend herself and that if that friend of yours deserved a fight he would have to deal with her.

And you also knew that if your friend had had to deal with her, he would have looked a lot worse than he looked right now. Actually, you had ended up in the worst condition yourself. "Maybe I like you taking care of me." You closed your eyes and Isabelle pressed a soft kiss to your lips.

"Good, because you don't get to pick and choose anyway. You're stuck with me." She put the cloth in the water and set the bowl aside. "What did the asshole you fought say about me?"

Your cheeks heated up and you bent your head to avoid her piercing glance. "He wondered what I was doing with a slut and he wanted your phone number so he could use your services too."

"Poor man..." Isabelle let her hand wander over your face. "Threatened by a confident girl." She shook her head and then she smiled a dashing and overwhelming smile. "Next time tell him that I don't waste my talents on losers."

Isabelle Lightwood - Shadowhunters Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now