I decide to walk around the car and try to take my surroundings in but in the dark with the only light coming from the headlights of the car, it isn't at all easy. From what I can tell, the petrol station has been unused for some time and I am surprised that it still has fuel that is usable but then knowing Alex he probably has selected petrol stations all over that he uses for his long drives.

Leaning against the passenger door I look over to Alex as he fills up the tank and can't help but wonder where it is that we are going. Where can we go? Where would two humans and a vampire be safe in this day and age?

Alex glances my way and gives me a half smile and I feel an instant calm wash over me. He must have felt my anxiety and decided to send some good vibrations my way to calm me down. Typical.

Back in the car we drive in silence as a light snore rises from the back seat. We both ignore it and look out into the darkness, letting go of the predicament that we are in.

Alex slowly moves his hand from the steering wheel and into my lap to hold my hand in his. I look over to him and give a small smile and clutch his hand tightly. Even after such a small amount of time together he has already figured out how to calm my seas.

The car suddenly begins to slow as Alex takes an exit that leads to an old Airport and I can't help but be a little excited at the prospect of flying in a plane. Before I get my hopes all the way up, I turn to Alex with a quizzical stare and he nods back to me with a simple smirk.

I have not been in an airplane since I first came to the zone when I was 5 and I remember the excitement from looking out the window drowned out all of the fear that I had from the massacre that we escaped back in Sydney.

Alex stops the car in front of a giant air hanger and proceeds to dial a number into his phone and wait for a response. Within a moment someone is casually jogging over to us with their arms waving about in the air. Alex stops the call and starts to vacate his seat before quickly turning to me with a stern look.

"Stay here. I have to sort something out."

I do as I am told and watch as Alex embraces the figure and begin conversing only meters from the car. I can't make out what they are saying but it is obvious that this mysterious figure is a man that Alex must consider a friend. I watch intently and see the man's body language change suddenly as he darts his glances from Alex to the car and back again. He then continues to shake his head and run his hands through his short and fuzzy hair.

What could they be talking about?

Logan begins to stir in the backseat and arches his back to stretch before sitting up completely with a yawn. He looks directly at me and then to Alex outside before giving me a quizzical look.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not quite sure to be honest."

After a few more quiet moments Alex returns to the car and opens the drives door to poke his head in.

"Ok, let's get going" is all he says before closing the door again and walking to the front of the car once more.

The man that Alex was just conversing with heads off back the way he came and enters the air hanger before us.

Logan and I share a glance before we both exit the car and make our way to stand with Alex just as the doors of the air hanger open like giant sliding gates to reveal several small planes lined up to make their great escape.

Each plane is different from the last and are all different shapes and sizes. The smallest being in the far corner only large enough for one person with the biggest looking like a private jet that millionaires would have used.

Zone Zero (Book 1 of 3)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu