LÖDED 4! Movie Operation

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She said, crossing her arms. (M/n) let out an awkward chuckle, before coughing into his fist.

"Where's your friend?"

"She couldn't make it. Apparently sick."

She said, letting out a small huff in annoyance. The movie was just about done with the previews, the lights dimming to show what a real movie is. Right in the intro, there was already a jumpscare. Just crows that were squawking. Heather merely jumped a tad bit, but still had her arms crossed with a straight face.

"Lighten up, princess."

(M/n) whispered, leaning back. She rolled her eyes a bit, still focusing on the big screen, and so was (M/n). All was going well, the movie was surprisingly really good, and very detailed, but not too much. Storyline was mainly original, and the actors were brilliant. But who cared that much, the movie was just going great in general, and so was being here with Heather.

But man, was (M/n) hungry. He could really go for some popcorn, or perhaps some candy. What if he had a chance to kiss Heather? ...take care of yourself, and THEN make a move. Plus, imagine kissing her and your stomach growls in hunger?

Haha! Well, maybe waiting a little bit longer would be better, because her arm is just touching yours, man. Now focus back at what's happening! (M/n) looked over at his arm on the coaster, that was against Heather's. A smile went on his lips.

'Don't get too giddy.'

(M/n) immediately thought to himself as he took a small breath, quickly getting rid of the small smile as he was still watching the big screen. Another jumpscare, one of those cliche ones where an object falls or something. Just then, the character on the screen bent to pick up the fallen object, a scary face was presented behind the person, a much louder jumpscare noise appearing. Heather jumped, as she seemed to have moved closer to (M/n), her hand touching his arm. Heather noticed when she regained her fright, putting her hand down in what appeared to be in 'disgust.'

(M/n) smiled once again, but it faded when he saw a figure by the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the wall. It took him moments to figure out who it was, but he was able to put the puzzles together just halfway and still get it.


It seemed like he had been there recently. Oh no, is he gonna tell the others?! (M/n) quickly whispered to Heather that he was going to get food quickly, as she responded with 'You better hurry.'

As (M/n) was going down the stairs, he turned the corner, roughly grabbing Rodrick by the arm. As they got out of the theater room, (M/n) turned towards Rodrick, hissing.

"Don't tell the others."

"Relax! Was just wondering where you were at."

"Why would you wonder?!"

"Just so I could...I don't know, perhaps, see if you were meeting up with Heather."

He said in a certain, mocking tone. (M/n) face paled a little.

"And it just so appears that I was right."

(M/n) growled.

"Yeah, for once."

"Watch it, it's very simple for me to go straight on, and tell."

Rodrick said teasingly, smirking. Shaking his head, (M/n) quickly went to go to the counter, dragging Rodrick.

D.O.A.W.K: LÖDED DAYZ (Rodrick x Male!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ