Chapter 4 - The Glittering Truth

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You know the funny thing about madness? It never ceases to amaze you. Trust me, I have experience on that. Because, you know, right now, madness is what I'd like to call the whole situation. 

And unbelievable. 

I'm inside a book and I all want to do right now is laugh. I don't know why, I'm not shocked; I feel fine, actually. Like it's any other normal day. Like, I'm not sharing the room with a vampire that sparkles.

Normal, my foot.

But the most disturbing thing is, I'm not surprised(Okay, maybe a little, I mean, come on, I am a human), I'm not scared that I'm sharing a room with a predator. All I want to do is laugh. Laugh.

But of course, being the human that I am, I am a little curious as to how I got here in the first place. The word, magic pops up into my head and I scoff it off. Definitely not magic. Magic happens in fantasy and paranormal stories. Not in real life. 

But considering the fact that I am in one, should I be so quick to write it off? 

Ugh, this is stupid. It's definitely not magic. Then, what could it be?

I look over to where the stars of the book are seated and I can't help feel a disappointed. At Bella, I mean.

She looks so..average. I guess when I picture her, all I see is Kristen Stewart..

Okay, maybe not disappointed.

But Edward. Goodness, Robert Pattinson did NOT do him justice at all. He's gorgeous! 

I can see why Bella falls for him. 

As I'm staring, I realize I'm still standing in front of the class while the teacher drones on about..whatever he's teaching. I look for a seat and find a spot next to a bunch of girls. It was teeny, tiny spot, but I could manage. It's not like they could see me, anyway.

I take a seat precariously trying not to elbow any of the girls and resume my pondering.

So, where was I? 

Oh yes, madness. This is so bizarre right now, I just can't even begin to describe it. 

Just to distract myself, I focus on the group of girls beside me, and I find something really, really odd.

I can't see their faces. Any of them. They look like somebody blurred their faces. 


I rub my eyes. Nope, still the same. Am I going blind? I look at the teacher. He looks as distorted as ever.

How did I not notice this before?

I look over at Bella and Edward. They look..clear. Crystal clear, actually. But the people around me? Not so clear.

And the madness ensues. 

I am officially creeped out.

Since I don't really have anything to do, I resume to just observing the two as they are the only people I can see clearly so far. Edward is trying his best to not get lured ny Bella's scent and I know she doesn't understand. I can almost hear her thinking, "Is there something wrong with me?"


Things are so amusing when you know what's going to happen.

I shake my head and smile, Ha, the world is so funny and mysterious.

Okay, I have officially lost it if I'm actually think stuff like that.

I begin to feel a prickly sensation, as if somebody is staring at me..

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