Chapter 3 - School, yay

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I don't really know why I said that. All I know is that I'm totally spooked and if I have to be alone till Bella gets back from school. I think I might go crazy. Unless I am already crazy which is why I'm totally freaking invisible to everyone! I mean, I doubt any sane person would have to go through such trauma. Not that it is. A trauma, I mean.

It's just that at this time, a time where I really want to be seen by people so that I can get the hell out of here, I turn invisible. Just like that. Poof.

Why didn't the Guy upstairs turn me invisible when I asked him to? Like, the time when I was twelve and I was asked to play Peter Pan form my school's Drama Club performance and I totally messed up my line where I was supposed to say, "You have to believe in fairies." Instead I babbled on about how we should believe in God and all his little fairy angels like some preacher and everyone totally fell asleep. THe next day, I was branded as the weirdo of the entire school.

Hey, in my defense, I happend to be watching one of those Christian shows the previous night. So, I can't be really blamed.

Anyways, back to the present. I didn't want to be left alone. So, the only rational(if I can say that, considering the situation I'm in at the moment) option was to go with her to school.

It's not like people are going to see me anyway. I guess that's why Bella agreed. Either ways, now I'm sitting inside Bella's god-forsaken piece of trash, she likes to call a truck and while she struggles to drive us to her school.

As we reach the school(Forks High School), I notice that it's big, not bigger than my school, but still pretty impressive. Bella parks the truck in some vacant spot that she finds and gets out. Meanwhile,I'm still sitting inside, wondering how I'll get out of the car without bringing attention to myself. Since I am invisible, it would be odd if a car door opened on its own with nobody getting out.

Suddenly, Bella's face appears at my window and she hisses, "Aren't you getting out?"

I explain to her my predicament and she chuckles in return. "It's not funny!" I say, "Think of a way to get me out of this truck!"

Bella stares at me for a moment and opens the car door.

"Get out," she says.

I look around. Nobody seems to be looking at us. So I get out immediately. We walk together to the main building, the only building apparently.

I wait outside as Bella walks into the secretary's office to collect her schedule. The children look very ordinary. Not that I was expecting anything extraordinary. As you can see, I'm bored as hell.

After what seems like an eternity, Bella steps out of the office with two papers in hand. I grab both from her hand. One is her schedule. She has biology now.


Even when I'm not in school, biology follows me everywhere. I swear, they're plotting against me. Botany and Zoology. They want to torture me unto death.

Yeah, I guess I really must have lost it if I'm thinking about evil subjects threatening to kill me,

I open the second sheet and my blood freezes to ice.

"You're name is Isabella Swan?!"

"Yeeaaaaah. Why?"

While she's waiting for me to answer, I'm totally freaking out. 

Her name is Isabella Swan.

She lives in Forks with her dad, Charlie who just happens to be in the police.

Sound familiar?

I'm sure it does. It sounds eerily familiar to something I'd been reading the previous night after which I don't remember anything. And I'm invivsble, apparently.

Considering the crazy nonsense that's going on in my life now, I don't think I'd be able to handle it, if what I'm thinking of is actually real. 

Nah, it can't be real.

Even I know that's a little far-fetched of a theory. But considering I'm invisible with no memory of last night at the moment, is anything really far-fetched?

"Joy?" Bella whispers.

I startle and look at her as she's waitng for me to explain why I spaced out all of a sudden. But how on earth do I look into her eyes and tell,"Look I know this may sound crazy but you're actually a fictional character from the book, Twilight and you're going to meet this hot vampire and get pregnant with a half breed. And I'm just a girl who got sucked into this drama?"

Yeah, not good.

Instead, I just look at her and say, "Oh nothing! I just thought I..rememberes something..from last night! Yes!"

"You remember something? That's great! What is it?"

Uh oh.

"Uh, I don't..remember actually. I just thought I did."

I know she doesn't believe me and frankly, that's the least of my concerns at the moment. For my theory to be right, we need tohead to biology class.

I hurry Bella to the classroom and we both enter together. I stand with Bella as she hands over that second slip of paper and observe the classroom, looking for a certain person that has a craving for human blood. My eyes zero in on the guy who's spot next to him is empty. Aha! That must be him.

I scrutinize him carefully, looking for all the telltale signs. Ultra pale skin? Check. 

Changing eye color? Check.

Constipated look? Check.

It must be him!

I turn back to the teacher who's saying, "You can sit next to Mr.Cullen,"



That's Edward-Freaking-Cullen.

There's only one word to describe what I'm feeling at the moment.



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