Chapter 1 - Nothing's right

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There are some days, where you wake up and know, that the day is not going to turn out well.

Today is one of those days.

I wake up to find that I've overslept, thereby skip breakfast and reach school exactly 30 seconds late.

Not good.

I reach the gates just as they were being closed and mumbled, "Sorry" to the guards as I walk past them.

The sky is [retty overcast and the humidity level is soaring to new heights. It's doing wonders to my hair. I mat down my frizzed out black hair and get into the building.

I chack my timetable and grumble. First period: Biology, and now I'm late. I walk to the class and clear my throat.

"Excuse me ma'am," my voice sounds shaky.

"Ah, Miss Evans! Decided to grace us with your presence have you? How thoughtful!"

The rest of the class snicker.

I stare a t my teacher and mumble,"Sorry."

She starts scolding me and I practically zone her out. 

In case you're wondering, this is a usual thing for me. My biology teacher just doesn't find it in her to start the day woth out at least insulting me once.

After a few minutes of lecture, she motions for me to come in. I take my seat the back.

"Joy, hi!" someone whispers. I turn around and smile to my 'best friends', Mary, April and of course, Lizzie. They're not really my best friends. Well. not according to me anyway.

In fact, it's been quite a long time since I'd called anyone my best friend. I hang out with them a lot mostly because I don't really know anyone else all that well. We've been in the same class since I moved here.

They're this group of people who do almost everything together, own the same stuff and talk about the same things over and over again. You sit by them at any point of the day and you can be as sure as hell that they're talking about whether a particular shampoo can cure split ends or if pimples and acne really have a solution. Like we already don't know that, people.

I open my binder and start to doodle. I'm already wishing the day would end soon.

My teacher drones on about cell divison and frankly, I don't really care about that. It may look like I'm a snob, a rebel, but in reality, I'm not. It's just that my whole life has been controlled by my parents. I don't really have a say in it anymore. I guess that's just made me a whole lot dull and cranky sometimes.

Okay, a lot of times.

As the bell rings, I shut the book and get up tp leave. April appears at my side. So do Mary and Lizzie. 

"Joy, you're hail's really frizzy!" Mary giggles.

Like I didn't know.

"I know! It's really getting on my nerves," I say.

"You should try this..." she starts and I drown her out. Soon, Lizzie and April start pitching in about which hair product is the best.

Before I lose it, I said, "Guys! It's okay, I'll manage. This has happened to me many times before. It's cool."

They stare at me for a few seconds and shrug it off.

We make our way to the next class and this time, they're arguing about which perfume is better. I groan inside.

The day goes on in its boring pace. As the last period strikes, I realize I can't take it anymore. So, I decide to skip class and head to the library..

"Guys, I'm gonna skip this one, You go on ahead without me."

"Where are you going?" Lizzie asks.

"To the library, of course!" April answers. I smile at them and walk away.

The library is my sanctum. Not because I'm crazy about books, which I am, but because its the only quiet place in this noisy school. 

Right now, I'm not in the mood to read anything, so I decide to sit down at one of the tables. As I approach the table, I notice a book in the far corner. I reach over and grab it, 


I stare at the black, glossy cover showing two hands holding an apple. I never really got the meaning of that, Oh well.

Instinctively, I open it and start reading. I've read it once before, when the whole school was buzzing about it. In fact, I'd read the entire series. And no, I will not choos between vampires and werewolves. Nor am I rooting for Team Edward or Team Jacob. 

I'm turning to chapterfive, when the librarian comes over and tells me that it's time to go home. I borrow the book and leave.

Outside, the weather is worse than ever, It starts to get really sufficating and I know my hair's probably resembling Einstein's. No offense, Einstein but really, I wish you'd combed that hair.

I take out a scrunchie and tie my hair into a ponytail.

I walk home and mother's waiting inside with a steaming plate of food in hand. I gobble it up immediately.

Mom's a teacher. Not in my school, thankfully. She takes history for high schoolers. So, she and I are home at almost the same time.

"Your dad's gonna come home a little late tonight. Would you mind waiting for him before going to bed?" Mom asks.

I shrug letting her know that I didn't mind. I don't.

Mom can't stay up. Since she is a teacher, she needs her rest, so she can face 'those hooligans' the next day.

This is also usual.

Dad works at one of those fancy companies where you don't really know what he does. All I know is that he's always bisy and worked up. But he is a good father.

I do some homework, and watch TV before dinner.

At the dinner table, mom asks me aht transpired in school. I tell her everyhing. My mom is my best friend actually. My only best friend. She knows verything that goes on in my life.

I ask her what happend at the work place and we laugh over some of the amusing stories she tells me. Mom always has lots of amusing stories to tell.

Soon, it was time for her to go to bed. I tuck her in ad say goodnioght, 

While I'm waiting for my father to arrive hime, I go upstairs to my room and take out Twilight and head downstairs to read.

I settle down on the couch comfortably and resume reading.

I don't remember what happens next. All I remember is that I'd almost finished the book and fell asleep,


So what did you guys think? I wanted you all to get to know Joy's character a litle bit better. Tell me what you thought of it!

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