Unique but rejected (2)

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Hey! How do you like my story I'm trying to make it as long as I can but it's really hard to! Hopefully you enjoy it! Also if you guys want a name to be in the story then comment it because I always have trouble finding names to use like seriously! It so hard coming up with them... so if you want a special name in the story then comment it I will also give you a shoutout! Thx for reading now on to the wonderful story...

Ps i also want to say thank you to all my followers!

Stephanie's POV:

I woke up to foot steps. Just kidding. I woke up by falling off the stupid tree! Why did I sleep on a tree? Oh yeah so a bear won't get me... I got up from the ground and dust myself off. I looked around and noticed that i was surrounded by wolfs. Well shit.

"Just kill me now" I yelled at them. It not like I'm going to be missed at all. I'm the omega the weakest wolf. I have been abused and rejected by everyone.

"What?" One of the wolf asked after he shifted. He had dirty blonde hair with dark blue eyes. Most likely the beta

" kill me now! No one will miss me! I'm just a weak omega... never mind I'm just a weak rouge!" I said as I burst into tears.

" but please make it quick" I said while crying. Suddenly all the wolfs looked at me with pity.

" we will have to take you to our alpha to see what he wants to do with you." The guy I believe is beta says. I just nodded and followed.

It took about half a hour to get to the pack house. We went up the stair to a large wooden door. The guy who I believe is beta knocked on the door.

" come in!" Yelled a loud voice. I open the door and saw a man with black hair and yellow eyes. I never seen anyone with yellow eyes only if they are in wolf form the sometime it changes to yellow. I bowed my head as the alpha is about to speak.

" who might you be?" He asked kindly. I didn't want to say my real name but I did anyway.

" my name is Liz gold. I am now a rouge because I ran away from my abusive pack because they blamed me for the Luna's death... my father alpha Carson blames me. I was only three. My first name is Stephanie..." I said breaking down in tears.

" the reason that cause me to run away now not before is because my mate rejected me" I continue. I had to be careful to keep my eyes hazel.

Oh I forgot I can also change my hair color and my eye color but I don't want them to know. My normal eye color is hazel and my normal hair color is black like my wolf. But right now I changed my hair to brown.

" would you like to join my pack?" He asked.

"What pack is this?" I asked.

" this is the white wolf pack" he says.

" does that mean your a white wolf?" I asked. He nodded.

"Sure" I said.

"Also do you know anything about a black wolf?" I asked. "I swear I have seen one before." I continued.

"Black wolf! You have seen one before! Those are rare only one in the world. The white wolfs are also rare in males but there's over 200 of them that are girls. Black wolfs are powerful. They have the power to mask there sent. Change into any wolf color for a short amount of time. Change hair color and eyes. There clothes also don't shred. Lastly they are a hybrid of wolf and witch and another unknown creature. That's all I know" he said.

*Sarah why didn't you tell me that* I asked her.

*i told her not to, oh I'm Sara your witch*

*im part witch?* I said

*pay attention the alphas talking to you!" Sarah said

" have you shifted?" The alpha asked. I nodded. I picture my wolf as a white with brown on the ears and around the nose. And I shifted. I made my clothes shred.

" well it looks like you will fit in to this pack." He says. I walked to my bag and grabbed a shirt and some skinny jeans. I changed into it.

" oh my name is Ashton. The person that brought you here was the beta his name is Andrew." He said. I just nodded.

Suddenly the door open and a girl with a pink short skirt like short you can even see her underwear short and a white strapless shirt came in.

" hello baby!" The girl screeched.

" I thought I told you not to call me that!" He yelled at her.

" well it not my fault your mate rejected you" she smirked.

" you little slut! Of course it's your fault you kissed me right in front of her when I told you she was my mate!" He yelled at her.

" baby What are you saying?" she asked confused.

" what he is saying is that you are exiled from the pack and you can never return for threatening your ex future Luna and kissing your alpha in front of your ex future Luna" I say with my alpha voice. She turned to me.

" who the hell are you? How the hell did you find out I threaten her!" She yelled at me.

" I'm the new member and I found out you threatened her because you just said it" I smirked.

" you little bitch!" She screams

" I alpha miles of the white wolf pack exile you Britney Michelle from the white wolf pack" he yells at her. She then storms out of the office crying.

"Sorry about that" he said. That's how my new life started. No more abuse. Now I know I'm not powerless Aaron Taylor you better watch out I'm about to change and your not going to like it.

Unique but rejectedWhere stories live. Discover now