"Good Riddance"

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1 year has gone since Jimmy died.

I'm no longer in the place I used to call home.

I'm in the mountains just like my uncle told me to.

The peacefully of this place is fantastic. Whitney would have liked it.

She might be living in a place like this right now. Nobody knows. She's missed. One month after the funeral, her parents lost her track while were walking in the park.

Witnesses say they saw a tall man getting in a van with a young girl.

I'm not surprised. I wasn't man enough to find Jinx, so he would probably not rest until find her. I'm a failure. I didn't save Whit.

I'm sorry Jimmy. I'm a terrible friend. I didn't keep her safe like I had promised. I hope you'll forgive me someday.

Night terrors don't let me sleep. When I close my eyes I see Whitney walking down the street. She is in the middle of a crowd. I call her name. She can hear me, however she can't come next to me. Jimmy is there too. He's right beside me trying to say something. I can't hear him because of the noise people of the crowd. Finally, Whitney starts moving forward. Even the way she walks is gorgeous. I call her once more. She smiles but she doesn't say a word. I call her again. This time she calls me back. Her brother smiles at me. I think I can hear "thank you" but I'm not sure. Jimmy comes next to her. I think they will come back for me, although they start walking into the crowd. They're out of sight.

I always thought that dreams were meaningless until I had this one.

I didn't protect Whitney but she is with her brother now. Someday, we will all be together again. My time will come. The destiny knows it.

I didn't want to think about what I wanted to be after my graduation. Now, there's no doubt: I want to be a writer.

When I moved to an isolated place, the first thing I did was enjoy nature. It gave me lots of fantastic ideas that couldn't be kept inside my head. It made me feel truly completed, so I kept writing a bunch of words. It's worth it.

Right now, I'm writing a tale about a girl who is trapped in a meaningless relationship. It's a draft but I think it will be good. I even built a picture of the character in my mind. The only thing left is the name.

Now I wonder whatsername will be.

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