Chapter 24

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Evan cursed quietly. What was Eden doing here?! This could endanger his entire plan! Before he could do something to get the situation back under control, the king had grabbed the sword of one of the guards and stormed forward.
"So it's true! Damned Skandians!" he screamed, wildly swinging the sword back and forth. Evan raised an eyebrow. He hadn't thought that the king had it in him. He wasn't terribly old, but he had never been the fighting type.
"What is going on here?" a Skandian voice thundered across the beach. The king furiously turned towards the giant Skandian.
"You!" he exclaimed. "Who are you?" The Skandian stepped forward, a threatening look on his face. Evan started to feel panic rising inside him. This was not going according to plan. This was going absolutely against the plan!
"I am Erak Starfollower, oberjarl of Skandia," the Skandian proudly announced.

Apparently the king thought that this Starfollower fellow was a good target to release his anger upon, considering he headed for the bigger figure, roaring. Evan wanted to say something to stop him, before he would do something stupid, but nothing left his mouth.
"You kidnapped my son! You shall pay! Pay!" the king screamed.

"Father, no!" Eden exclaimed, startled, jumping in between his father and the oberjarl. The king barely managed to stop his sword, before he split Eden in two.
"Eden, what do you think you're doing?!" the king exclaimed. All the blood had run from his face.

"The Skandians didn't kidnap me," Eden hurriedly explained. "I left by my own choice."
Evan closed his eyes. This would bring trouble. The king was clearly taken aback. He opened and closed his mouth several time, without saying anything.
"Why?" he then managed to ask, his voice breaking.

Horace regarded his young friend, who was hesitating whether or not he should tell his story. The knight slipped through the crowd to the front and put his shoulder on Celia's shoulder.
"It is time to tell the truth," he said quietly. "Go to him." Celia looked up at him, her eyes wide, afraid for what was about to come. Horace nodded at her.
"You'll figure something out," he assured her. "And if not, I'm still here." He chuckled, tapping his scabbard. Celia smiled weakly, took a deep breath and turned around to join her lover.
"I..." Eden started. "I left because... Well..." He looked up from the ground when he noticed Celia had joined them. With renewed courage he continued his explanation. "I left because I fell in love with an incredible girl and I was afraid you wouldn't agree with it," he quickly said, grabbing hold of Celia's hand in the meantime. The colourfully clad man, apparently the king of Picta, had lowered the sword as he listened to his son. He regarded Celia for a moment.
"Why would you think I would disapprove?" he then calmly asked. Eden shuffled his feet a little.
"Well... I thought you'd think I would have to marry a princess, or something like that..." he mumbled, avoiding his father's gaze.

Horace had taken a good look of the king and wondered how and why this man had ever came up with the idea to declare war on Araluen. He appeared to be a peaceful man, caring a lot about his son. The wrinkles around his eyes and the grey streaks in his hair seemed to be more the result of worry than of age.
"Eden, look at me," he said. Eden reluctantly did as he was told. "I don't care who you end up marrying. I want you to be happy." Eden's jaw dropped. Horace softly chuckled. Everything would turn out fine for his young friend. "A happy king is a good king," the man continued. "And as far as I'm concerned, you are still my heir." Father and son smiled at each other. "And still I wonder why you've gotten that ridiculous idea to run away, instead of talking to someone," the king added, frowning.
"Actually, I have spoken with Evan about it, and he advised me that this was the best option," Eden admitted sheepishly.

The king abruptly turned around towards his ship. Horace, too, looked that way and now recognized the man who had left the ship with the king as the same man who had captured him and his friends.

The end...? (Ranger's apprentice/ Brotherband fan-fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora