Chapter 23

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The Araluans decided to send a party to the newcomers to start the conversation with the Scoti. Horace was fully focussed, not taking his eyes off the ship, ready to take on anyone who would dare to attack his friends. Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to join the party. Will, Alyss and Cassandra together crossed the beach towards what they called 'neutral ground'. Erak had chosen that specific spot to keep the delegations as far away from the Skandians, both to avoid conflict and to ensure the conversation could not be overheard. Rumours were the last thing he needed at that moment. Horace paced the beach, bored with the lack of action, ignoring the glances that the newly formed crowd were sending him.
"Daddy, will you stop it? You are annoying," Evanlyn remarked. Horace stopped mid pace, looking down at his daughter for a moment, who was calmly drawing pictures in the sand. Then he shrugged and continued.
"Yeah, stop it. Your daughter is right," a weak voice added. Horace turned around, utterly surprised.

"Shouldn't you be in bed somewhere, to prevent yourself from dying?" he exclaimed, flabbergasted to recognize the owner of the voice as the Heron's skirl. It didn't occur to him that this remark hadn't been all that tactful. Evanlyn jumped to her feet, ready to give him a hug.
"Hallie!" she exclaimed happily. "You're alive again!" Hal softly chuckled, gesturing for her not to hug him; he was still wounded after all.

"Yes," he said. "I'm back without having been gone." That took the toddler some thought. Horace took this as his cue to continue.
"But, seriously, shouldn't you be with a doctor now?" he asked slightly worried, even though he didn't actually know the young Skandian standing in front of him.

"I've been lucky. Edvin and Will did most of the job already, and the spear miraculously didn't do too much internal damage," he explained. Horace sent him a sceptical glance.
"I still think you should be in bed somewhere," he stated stubbornly. Hal smiled weakly.
"Let's just say that I'm not sleepy," he remarked.

Horace opened his mouth to protest, but didn't get the chance to say anything. He turned around to see what the sudden uproar behind him was about, and noticed that the Scoti, who had by now come ashore, did not feel like staying on neutral ground. They happily marched further onto the beach, ignoring all of Will's protests. He could see that Cassandra was trying her best not to protest, as she would probably lose her temper, which would not be very diplomatic or princess-like. Alyss looked as calm as ever. Hal's crew, which had come towards them when they'd spotted Hal, came to stand with Hal and Horace. King Duncan and Pauline couldn't stay away either, with all the commotion. Thorn and Karina quietly joined them too, making the whole group complete. They had not yet noticed that Hal had escaped from his bed.

Will, Alyss and Cassandra were slowly but steadily driven back, until they were only a dozen yards away from the collection of spectators. Meanwhile, the Scoti soldiers created some order in their own chaos by standing in formation. They formed two lines, from their ship all the way towards the group of Skandians and Araluans. Horace felt his mouth growing dry as soon as he recognized this formation. Someone of high come-off would be leaving the ship in a moment. He'd seen it often enough. He looked up immediately, and with a nauseating feeling in his stomach, he recognized the royal flag of Picta. They were about to face the king who was responsible for all the death and destruction in their kingdom. He grimly checked if his sword was at the ready in his scabbard. Then he crossed the last few yards between him and his wife and two best friends.
"Daddy, where are you going?" he heard Evanlyn's panicked voice ask. He turned around, sending her a smile.
"I'm going to stand over there with mommy. Will you stay with grandpa?" Evanlyn reluctantly nodded, but Horace wasn't just talking to her. He looked up to face Duncan, preparing for the worst. If this meeting would end in a fight, then the Araluans would be greatly outnumbered, especially since none of the present Skandians were prepared for battle. It would be a slaughter. Someone needed to take Evanlyn to safety. Duncan understood and nodded solemnly, quietly promising to take care of the little girl.

Horace let his breath escape, unaware that he had held it in, and prepared for what was about to come. He had the uncomfortable feeling that life as he'd known it was about to come to an end. Nothing would ever be the same.

Evan gazed out over the group of Skandians gathered below him on the beach. Just a little while longer before the king and he would make their appearance. He couldn't wait to see the expression on Halt's face, as soon as Will realized that Halt had kept them apart all that time. He longed for the moment when everything would finally be as it should be, the moment he had prepared for all his life. He sighed, turning towards the door of his room. Today it was finally going to happen. This was what he'd been waiting for all this time. He took a deep breath, to then leave his room.

He ordered a couple of soldiers to fetch the prisoner. It was time to get justice. The king was already waiting for him, clothed in his official kingly visit clothing. Evan thought he looked ridiculous, but the king didn't need to know that. Solemnly as ever he was waiting for the plank to be lowered onto the beach. Evan suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. Sometimes he wondered why he hadn't gotten rid of the king years ago. He sighed. Choices...
The first horn was blown, and the plank was readied. Evan assumed his position, standing behind the king's right side. Meanwhile a guard gave him a sign that the prisoner was ready to be brought up. He nodded quickly, letting the guard know he'd understood. He glanced down at the gathered crowd again. More than enough witnesses to prove that justice was on his side. Evan felt as if he was on a crossroads. On the one hand he felt excited: it was finally time, he would accomplish his goals. But on the other hand he felt uncomfortable; his life was about to change drastically.
He shrugged off the confusing feeling, took another deep breath and prepared to face the Skandians.

Frustratingly slow they came down. First two servants holding horns, followed by two attentive guards. A few yards behind them were two men, one a little behind the other. The first one was wearing pink poofy trousers, falling to his knees, with some sort of brown tights underneath. On top of that he wore a neat black vest, with orange flaps on the side. A hat with a colourful collecting of feathers on top of it finished his outfit.
Conclusion: the man look awful.
Hal still felt terrible, and he didn't dare to eat or drink something, afraid it would come out of his wound just as quickly. Edvin had assured him that this was not physically possible, but Hal didn't think there would be any harm in being careful.

The gathered group of inhabitants of Hallasholm stifled their laughs, not sure whether they should take this exotically clothed man seriously. The man behind him was a lot more inconspicuous, and inspired a lot more awe in the Skandians. He looked like a leader, even though it was apparent that he wasn't one. Two more guards followed behind them. Silence dawned upon Hallasholm, not counting the sounds of the sea. Slowly the group made their way onto the beach. Hal frowned. What was the meaning of all this>"What did we miss?" a girl asked besides him. Hal turned towards her, startled. Her curling, strawberry blond hair immediately caught his attention. A boy around the same age as them hurried after her."Celia! Wait for me!" he hissed nervously."Nothing is wrong, calm down," Celia answered somewhat annoyed. The boy then turned to the spectacle in front of them and gasped for breath. He ran forward, where the failed Araluan delegation was awkwardly waiting. As soon as he saw the boy, the man in the crazy clothing stopped dead in his tracks. "Eden?!" he exclaimed, startled."Father," the boy whispered, barely audible for Hal.  

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