Chapter 19

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  Horace felt great. Eden and Celia were enjoying themselves with the archers. They didn't just get them back into line, but also got along pretty well with them. He himself didn't think they were all that spectacular, so he made his way back to his chambers. On the way there he ran into Erak, who was having a heated discussion with a woman. Horace raised his eyebrows. Erak with a woman? His curiosity led him to walk towards the two. Erak noticed him immediately.
"Horace! Good thing you're here!" he exclaimed. Then he gestured to the woman. "This is Karina." Ah, Horace thought. Hal's mother. Whom he didn't know, but still... He shook her hand and introduced himself. "Walk with us," Erak said warmly.
The three of them strolled through the streets of Hallasholm. Every now and then someone greeted the oberjarl or his companion. When they reached a more tranquil piece of town, Erak urged them to hold still.
"Karina, I have to tell you something," Erak said seriously. Karina's expression turned worried.
"Well, that doesn't sound good," she mumbled. The oberjarl nodded.
"It doesn't," he agreed. "It's about Hal." Karina was now looking outright scared.
"What is going on?" Her voice sounded calm, but her face betrayed that she was far from calm. Horace realized what Erak was getting at and took over from him.
"Araluen is at war," he started, but he didn't get the chance to continue.
"What?! Why didn't I hear this any sooner? Erak, did you know this? Did you sent my boy to fight in that war, to honour your precious treaty? Is my son in danger?" Karina exclaimed. Erak raised his hands in defense.
"Of course I didn't know that! I only heard it yesterday, when Horace and his companions arrived. If I'd known there was war in Araluen, I would have gone there myself! I probably would have asked Hal, though, but not without keeping you in the loop..." he assured her.
"Araluen was attacked out of the blue, nobody knew what was happening or why. We never had the chance to raise and army or even look at a defense plan, let alone getting a message to Skandia," Horace added.
Karina seemed to calm down ever so slightly. She met his gaze, frowning.
"You are talking about it as if it was your responsibility to protect Araluen," she remarked. Horace nodded.
"I was responsible. I still am, actually," he muttered bitterly. "That's what happens when you marry the heir to the throne." Karina's eyebrows went up and Erak burst our laughing.
"The way you are speaking, it sounds as if that's a terrible thing!" he exclaimed amused. Horace shook his head, laughing as well.
"That's not what I mean. It is a shame to feel so powerless in the situation. I am a knight. I want to fight for my country, not run away to try and make a plan abroad with my father in law," he continued in a more serious voice.
Karina nodded.
"I bet," she replied. "Most of the time, though, it is more wise for a leader to find a safe place to make plans, than to fight without a plan," she added.
"I know," he mumbled sadly. Even though he knew damn well that this was the wiser thing to do, he still longer to get to action. Karina laughed warmly, hearing his childish voice. Erak nodded pensively.
"I can imagine you want to do something. I still have that same feeling," he said. "But I have to busy myself with paperwork." Both Horace and Karina couldn't help but laugh at Erak's expression.
"Well, Erak, that's what happens when you are the oberjarl!" Horace chuckled. Erak grumbled something under his breath, which probably wasn't very nice towards Horace. "Oh, by the way, now we're talking about oberjarl stuff," he continued. "You don't have to worry about the archers anymore!" Erak glanced at him in surprise.
"Really? How did you manage that?" he exclaimed. The Araluen chuckled.
"I didn't. Cassandra and Celia did!" he said. "How? I don't know." Karina smiled mysteriously.
"Female intuition," she clarified. Erak and Horace looked at her blankly. She waved at them, before turning around and walking away. Erak pointed at her as the distance between them got larger.
"Did you understand...?"

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