Chapter 1

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Camila's POV
It's almost summer! I can't wait because I am going to live in LA and move in with my brother Logan Paul only because the Team 10 house is full and there is no room for me. But I am going to really miss my friends and family. I am obviously gonna come back home to see them.

I am cleaning up my room when I heard a knock on my bed room door.

I opened the door and Abbie, Emma, Ethan and Cameron were here

Camila: Hey guys, what are y'all doing here
Emma: Hey we came by to see if you might want to come to the park with us
Abbie: Ya come on

Before I could say anything, Abbie grabbed my hand and pulled me out my bedroom door and down the stairs to the front door. We started to put on our shoes

Camila: Mom! We are just going to the park for a little bit
Pam/Mom: Alright honey have fun
Camila: Lets go

So we locked the door behind us and started walking to the park.

When we got there we all sat on the top of the play structure and talked

Camila: So
Ethan: So you know that
Cameron: That since your leaving to go to LA, that we were going to miss you a lot and wanted to hang out with you
Camila: Awe I really don't want to leave you guys

We all group hugged and everything felt a lot better

Emma: Okay guys let's do something
So we all got up and started walking and talking around the park.

We both just laughed and headed back to my house.

Camila: Mom we're home
Pam/Mom: Alright

Camila: Lets go up to my room

We all went to my room and talked. For a bit.

Emma: Hey, lets go get Starbucks
Camila: Ya lets go
Cameron: Y not
Abbie: YAY

So we walked to Starbucks and we ordered our drinks

Cashier: What would you like?
Camila: Can I get a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, please
Cashier: Sure, What size, Tall, Grande, Venti or Trenta
Camila: Oh Grande, please
Abbie: Can I get a Caramel Frappuccino, Grande
Ethan: Can I get a Coffee Frappucino, Grande
Emma: Can I please get a Grande, Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino
Cameron: A Mint Frappuccino, please, Grande

Then we all ordered our drinks and sat at the table.

Camila: I am really gonna miss you guys
Abbie: I'm gonna miss you more
Cameron: Ya
Camila: I doubt it
Ethan: Y do you have to go
Camila: I know right but I really want to see my brothers as well
Emma: You're so lucky. Wish we can come with you
Camila: Ya you guys should come
Abbie: You better come back and visit us every week
Camila: Ya my brothers can just pay for it
Abbie: Haha ya

We all talked and laughed. I am really gonna miss them so much.

LOGAN PAUL'S LITTLE SISTER | D. SEAVEYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن