If there was one thing Gary couldn't stand, it was being undermined. His temper flared and he grabbed my wrist roughly, dragging me towards them. For a second—just a split second—I thought he'd give me to them. But that worry went away almost immediately. Gary didn't concede. He doesn't give. His hand tightened around my wrist and I winced but said nothing.

"Do you want to go with them, Milan?" He asked as if I had a say. As if he didn't make all the decisions. "Are you an object that can be bought and sold?"

I shook my head.

He tugged at my arm, and I tripped forward. "Speak!"

"No," I said, loud and clear.

He turned to them. "You wish to take her? Go ahead. Take her from me."

Don't. I pleaded them with my eyes. Don't be stupid.

The head didn't move. He was watching, thinking. What's the catch? Where's the bluff?

His subordinate wasn't as smart. He didn't stop to think. The issue with men who feel an entitlement towards something is that they don't think. They don't feel they need to. They thing that deserve something, so they take it. No questions asked. The blonde stepped forward and reached for me.

I tried. "No, you don't wanna touch m—"

He wrapped an arm around my other wrist. Gary didn't even have to think about it. Suddenly there was a gun in his other hand, and it was pressed against the guy's forehead. Time stood still. The look in Gary's eye made everyone freeze. All I heard was breathing.

Gary was the first to break the silence. "Go on. You started. Finish it. Take her."

The head snapped at him in Russian.

"I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOU!" Gary shouted. The vein in his forehead bulged and spit flew from his mouth. I closed my eyes and waited. Gary took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Speak english."


"We're taking her with us." And then I felt the guy pull. I told you not to be stupid.

My ear buzzed. I felt the guy let go and suddenly he was falling. He hit the ground with a thud, a hole in his forehead. I could taste his blood on my lips from the splatter. The buzzing continued, even as they started shouting. Gary was quick. Pop. Pop. Silence. Gary's arm fell to the side and he let out a breath. His eyes met mine, and slowly he released his grip on me, only to shove me forward. I nearly tripped over a body, but managed to right myself.

"Get the fuck in the car."

I roll over in bed and stare at the wall. I don't want to get up. Honestly, I'd be perfectly fine with closing my eyes and going back to sleep, but it was almost ten. Gary definitely would drag me out of this room if I didn't emerge myself. After five more minutes of staring at the ceiling, I kick my feet over the edge and sit up. My hair falls over my shoulders as I lean down to pull my slippers closer to me. That was another thing about Gary.

Productivity was key. I go to my dresser, pull out some legging and a silk tank top, and quickly got dressed. Knowing Gary would flip out if I came down in just the tank top and no bra, I grab my robe and pull it on, loosely tying it.

Vindictive #4 Where stories live. Discover now