Change Of Plan - Girl's Guide To Stalking The Weird Sisters And A Sad Hufflepuff

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Hi guys! how are you??

Hope you guys have been enjoying this so far and really hope you like Tina in the last upload :)

And just thanks so much for reading  'Change Of Plan' It means a lot

- Keep Shining

Melissa xoxoxo



"No, It's alright, It's my fault" Her voice was sweet and shy, I took a really look at her. Her dark chestnut brown hair framed her pale, delicate face. The hazel brown eyes sparkling, belonging to a porcelain doll. Pink lips with a smile that would melt your heart, her cheeks rosy from the cold. Her figure had nice curves and she was wearing the Slytherin uniform. Green went perfect with her.

As I helped her get to her feet, I realised I was still holding her hand, My cheeks darkened as I pulled my hand away awkwardly from her soft ones. "I'm Gerard" I tell her, smiling. "I'm Tina, Tina Lestrange" I liked her name, perfect for her.

"Whoa, awesome surname!, I got Way"

"You're in 5th year like me"

"Yeah I am, pretty excited that I got into Slytherin, well any house would do...not that Slytherin's not good or anything!....I should stop talking" I mumbled

 A laugh bubbled from her pink lips, It was infectionous, I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Well, I should be owling my parents now, my owl's called Aria" Tina replied after our laughter went out, pointing to a tawny owl. 

"Oh, okay, mine's called Bandit."

Her lips curved into a grin when hearing my owl's name.

"Bye." I waved to her as I left.


 Tina Lestrange, I want to know more about her, there seems like so many layers that are uncovered and I'm going to be the one that does that, I promise you.


Frank POV

I whispered the password to the door to let me in, how do I confront Gerard?

Do I say "I know what happened with Umbitch!" well that wouldn't work and I'd probably get whacked in the head for my colourful language. Should I say "How did you feel about your detention with Umbridge?" That sound too much like a shrink. I'll just say whatever comes out of my mouth.

I sat on a couch at the back of the common, I hope Ray is gonna do fine with confronting Mikey, the Way brothers are pretty stubborn and aren't really the type of guys to show their feelings very easily. I guess that we're a group of misfits and we all bring this special sort of heart to the group. I've been told that I bring this reckless passion which expresses our friendship.

I waited for 20 minutes until footsteps echoed the room, I take a breath, How should I do this?!. I shall use my weakness to my advantage.

"Hey Gee"

"Oh, hi Frank"

"How was detention?"

"Oh, fine, we wrote lines"

I spotted a book high on the bookshelf, Oooh Idea!

"Gee, could you get me that book on top?"

"What, that one?" He asked pointing to the pink book. I nodded in response. He stretched his arm to the top until his jumper was rolling down his arm, revealing the engravings on his hand. I held a sharp intake of breath. Gerard brought the pink book down, whatever it was about. 

"Stop right there Mr. Way!" I yell. I ran over to him, and lightly pulled on his arm. "What is the meaning of this?!" Oh Great, I sound like a teacher. Gerard looked at me, his hazel eyes burning. "It was nothing, just a detention with Umbridge, It didn't hurt"

I'll let it go this time, but next time it happens, the Way brothers are going straight to me.

"Is this the book you wanted?" He asked, shoving the book in my direction. I look at the cover, "A Girl's Guide To Stalking The Weird Sisters" Oh god, did I really just choose a girl book?! well it might be interesting.....

"Yes, absolutely" and with that I stalked off to bed, God I need to find out about The Weird Sisters.


Mikey POV (The next morning after detention)

It was cold and dark since my detention with Umbridge, granted I left at night, but the morning is all grey and dark, not at all like on our first day of lessons. Ray had interrogated me about my detention and well I cried a bit at night but only because my hand was stinging. 

I still need to learn how to use my wand properly, but Umbridge surely isn't. Right now it's time for Charms and It's with Hufflepuff, they were really nice and all, well I think that all the houses are nice, except for some Slytherins, like the Blonde guy who I bumped into. 

I really should start getting to my lesson, It was outside and It's freezing so hopefully I don't get sick.

I made my way our classroom which was in room 99. On the way there, I saw a girl against the wall crying. My hand dove into my trouser pocket to find a tissue, after feeling it and gripping it in my hand I creep towards the girl.

" okay?"

She looked up, her green eyes filled with tears, the brown and blonde hair stuck to her red cheeks, reaching up she takes the tissue nodding at me. I raise my hand up to help her up, she takes it and gets to her feet, brushing down her skirt.

"Sorry, um...I'm Brittany" She said softly with a tiny smile. "I'm Mikey" I smiled back. "Why were you crying?" I ask. "Oh it's nothing, don't worry" Brittany assured me, her eyes comforting me. 

I pulled my arms out around her and pulled her into a hug as she melted into my embrace. 

I was about to ask her if she wanted to walk with me to Charms, then a voice was shouting.

"MIKAAY!!!!! MIKEY WAY!!" It was Frank. 

Soon his short figure came into sight and he dashed towards us, panting. 

"Mikes, we have to go to the hospital place!!" He gasped

"What!?! Why?!?!?!" 

"It's Ray!"

Oh gosh, "Well where is the hospital??" 

"I dunno!"

"Oh, I'll take you" A voice piped up, It was Brittany, "Let's GOO!" Frank shrieked, grabbing Brittany and my hands running towards the end of the corridor.

"TO THE HOSPITAL PLACE!!" Frank please shut up, we've already been told off by enough portraits.



well guys this is it, how did you like it?

What about Brittany?

hope you guys liked it :)

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo


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