18- Pointing the Finger

Start from the beginning

"Who the friggin hell would be this sick?" Hanna gags repeatedly as she stares at the finger.

That is until we notice the piece of white card underneath the finger. I volunteer myself to be the one to retrieve it as it is obvious that none of the others are willing to go near the finger. I tilt the card to the side to roll the finger off (gross) and open the letter.

Keep your friends close, but keep your fingers closer Aviary.


"So what are we going to do about this?" Emily scratches her head, everyone still fixated on the present we have been delightfully given.

"We go to the police, obviously." Spencer attempts to grab the box however Hanna slaps her hand away viciously.

"No way!" Hanna shouts, "I'm not putting Aviary's life at risk again. She's already been kidnapped once. If we go to the police they'll fuck it up like all of their investigations. We need to figure this out for ourselves."

"Um hello? We aren't the friggin Scooby doo gang!" Spencer waves in front of Hanna's face in a mocking kind of manner.

"Yeah I got that Spence." Hanna rolls her eyes in annoyance, "let's just pretend this never happened."

"Or..." Aria interrupts, "we could tell somebody. Obviously not the police. I was thinking Noel Kahn."

We all pause and Emily lets out a sarcastic laugh, "You wanna tell Noel Kahn about this? Like he isn't already dodgy enough?"

"He wasn't here when Ali disappeared so he didn't hurt Ali-" Aria takes a breather, "All I'm saying is I think Noel knows more than he is letting on so if we present him with this crap maybe he will crack and tell us what he knows."

10 minutes of bickering later, we all find ourselves in Spencer's car on our way to the Kahn household. Great. That house holds a load of good memories.

Spencer is first to exit her car and she slaps her door shut, unhappy about telling Noel Kahn about the package. Spencer thought telling Noel about A would be sucidal because Noel already knows too much. So, we decided to remove the A note and just have the finger in the box to see what he knows.

Aria rings the doorbell and luckily it is Noel who answers, "Whatever this is about, does it really take 5 of you to tell me about it?"

"Yes." Spencer says and storms past Noel as the rest of us follow with his hands scratching the back of his ear as he shuts his front door to his huge modern mansion.

"What's this about?" Noel says as we surround his beautiful glass kitchen counter.

"Are your parents home?" Aria asks, raising her eyebrows at Noel.

Noel smirks, "Not the first time you've asked me that."

What did he mean? Noel and Aria? They-he-she-what?

"Shut up, asshole." Aria says whilst Hanna silently chuckles to herself before pulling herself together after Aria gives her daggers.

"No, they're not."

"Look inside the box." Spencer says before Noel's face displays the same horrific look we all possessed when we lifted the lid off of the box.

"What the hell?!" Noel exclaims, "Who's is that? Why are you showing me a friggin finger?!"

"We don't know." Spencer puts the lid on the box again, "It was addressed to Aviary this morning."

"And you're showing me it because?" Noel displays an uncomfortable expression on his face as he is probably still picturing the decaying finger we kindly brought to him.

"Tell us everything you know about Ali's disappearance." Spencer slams her hands down on the kitchen counter in an attempt to intimidate Noel Kahn.

"Spence." Emily hisses, obviously wanting to take the more clam approach to squeeze the details out of Noel.

"I know you're hiding something!" Spencer yells, "you know what happened don't you?"

Noel shrugs, naively, "And what makes you think that?"

Spencer, for once, doesn't have an answer.

"Get the fuck out of my house."

Noel orders us all to leave immediately, giving Spencer just enough time to grab the box. Nope almost shoves us out of the house and nearly catches my heel as he slams the front door shut.

"Way to go, Spence." Emily says sarcastically.

"He knows things I know it!" Spencer seems to be adamant on Noel Kahn's guilt.

Only a matter of time until it won't be Noel you'll be pointing the finger at. Get it? Finger?

- A

A bitch with a funny bone. A even sounds like Alison.


A:N /

I'm back bitches.

- T

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